I turned back to my sister and let her out of the bubble that was suspending her about ten feet off the ground. She looked mad as she pushed her long, and now damp, hair behind her. I didn't blame her, I remember when Nazumi had placed me inside of one for a full week. They felt like black holes of water.

"I can't believe you did that!" She yelled coming at me full force with a punch that I stopped with my bare hand.

"Always expect everything." I told her, placing my face an inch away from her face. "Never assume that your partner will fight fair."

"This isn't training! Stop making everything into a lesson!" She yelled making her free hand connect with the side of my face. I had to say, I hadn't thought of that.

"Will you two stop already?" A third stranger walked up to us, what the hell was up with strangers and our island today?!

"BACK THE HELL OFF!!" My sister and I yelled. "Twin dragon secret art! Freezing water hammer blade!" We exclaimed making a giant hammer that shot him clear into the sky. Out of all the people that had come to talk to us today he had to be the weirdest, I mean how the hell do you get a lightning shaped scar?

"Something weird is going here don't you think?" Katherine looked concerned now.

"Its not normal to have one stranger come onto our island, let alone three." I agreed. Suddenly the ice broke on the first stranger as flames exploded from his mouth....another dragon slayer?!

"AHH! I have had enough of you two!" He yelled, a passionate fire burning in his eyes. "You think you can just flick us Fairy Tail members away like we are nothing?! Don't underestimate us!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I questioned. "This our home, if anything you're in the wrong and we have every right to push you off."

"I have heard enough." Suddenly there were more people in a line beside him.

One had a seriously dark personality. His hair fell in front of one of his eyes and it was raven black. The person beside him was like the light to his dark. With bright blonde hair that was sticking up, it looked like he took at least an hour to style it that way. There was a little girl that was next to them, she didn't look any older than maybe eight or ten. Her blue hair though was in the cutest pig tails ever! Next to her was the guy Katherine had frozen, he had some seriously freaky pink hair, there was no way that was natural. Beside him was a guy that looked like death itself. He had purple hair and was looking seriously freaky, a scar over his eye it just made his creepy smile even worse! Than there was some freaky guy that had huge black hair and iron all over his body....he was interesting. Lastly, the guy we had hammered in to the sky, his yellow hair was not so nicely in place anymore.

"Serena...." My sister's voice faulted as we both realized the seriousness of the situation.

"I know, I can see them...." I let my voice trailed off as I looked from one body to another. How had I missed all these people on our island? I really was a terrible older sister. "So dragon slayers, what is the point of your visit? I assume that it isn't some kind of family reunion."

"How did you know we're dragon slayers?" At least three of them asked, taking a step back. They were scared of us.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked placing all my weight into my left hip, none of them took back the question so they were obviously serious. "Guess not, you all smell of dragons. Thought it is faint, you all have had contact with dragons some time during your life. I'm guessing...." I sniffed the air to get a better idea of what we were dealing with. "The pink haired one is the son of Igneel, the fire dragon. The little blue haired one is the daughter of Grandeeney, the sky dragon. The raven black haired one looks to be the son of Skiadrum, the shadow dragon. The blondie beside him is the son of Weisslogia, the white dragon. The giant poofy haired guy is the son of Metalicana, the iron dragon. Oh an what is this? Two of you have no dragons....you must use lacroma for your powers than."

Siren Dragon SlayersWhere stories live. Discover now