Max groaned, "Stalker, it's for my enrollment for this next competition. We'll be in more of a public area....unless you're okay with that?" She knew both of them hadn't talked about it after El contacted them after the reporters.

"Sure! Listen I don't care anymore. About what people think or see us, I'm ready for the truth to be out." It's true. Lucas has been wanting the news to be out 2 months ago, he knew Max would have flipped if he told her that. She was still adjusting and healing, he didn't want her to freak out so he kept quiet.


It was a nice chill and crisp fall day, Max's next competition would be scheduled for sometime in the third week of October. It would give her enough time to practice and get used to her board again, it wouldn't take that long but still. The day prior, El had sent a message to Max implying that the roster for the competition would be tight and it would be best if she went to get a spot now than later.

Max was fond of her idea and went with Lucas to set up her place on the roster. They both arrived at the NSA (National Skating Association) building and walked inside, both feeling a bit jittery and excited. The building was very professional, with seats and tables in the lobby with maps and listings of different accommodations. It was "like heaven", Max described to Lucas who in return shot a laugh.

The both of them walked up to the front desk with Max taking the charge, the man with the nametag 'Theodore' looked up and welcomed the pair with a smile.

"Hello! Welcome to the NSA! My name is Theodore but you can call me T.J." He said with a pure and happy aura surrounding him. Max felt relieved, she hated when she was treated differently because of her celebrity status. She felt respected when people would have a normal conversation with her and not talk about all her career and life gossip, she hated it.

"Hey T.J., I'm here to reserve my spot in this upcoming October skate competition," Max told him.

"Alright! and you are Max correct?" She responded with a nod. "Great! Follow me and I'll get you set up with the charts-man" Theodore grabbed a few papers off of the printer and a pen he then looked up at the pair and signaled for them to follow his lead.

They walked into a nicely decorated room with lots of information about tons of upcoming events and player cards. There was a desk and chairs scattered around, T.J told them to sit there on one side of the desk and told them both that he'd be back with the representative. He placed the pen and paper down on the desk and left the room.

Max looked at Lucas and breathed out. "Look I have an idea, I know that you are a very impatient person so I came up with this little idea a few weeks ago when El sent me an e-mail with upcoming information. I'm going to ask for an NDA, tell them not to announce my name at the competition, and go anyways to compete. It will be a surprise!" She spoke.

Lucas took a moment to think about it, you could see with the expressions his face was making. It made Max laugh. He sat back on the chair and sighed before he spoke, "I like it, Max. But I know that if I do say anything you'll always win at an argument." He finished.

Max chuckled in agreement with his statement.

About 2 hours later, the two of them walked out of the office, Max was very happy that they accepted her NDA. She couldn't wait for the moment the crowd of people saw her in gear with her board. She could imagine it already, the people cheering, the broadcasters being astonished. It brought a smile to her face. This is why she liked surprises.


It took a while for her to build up enough patience to start refining her run. It was hard for her, every time she would fall or stumble she would get so discouraged. But after a talk with El, Billy, and Lucas she figured that if she had the patience to be in a cast for 3 months with no skating, she could definitely get through it.

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