The Draft Pt.1

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Don't get me wrong El loved to work with Max but she missed Mike a lot while she was in California, they would FaceTime whenever they both were free. It was hard for her but she didn't want to let it get in the way of her amazing job opportunities, she will learn and grow from her separation anxiety. Max saw it so they talked it out,

"Hey..look El I know that you have some problems being far apart from people who you love. If it's an issue that gets in the way of your work with me.." Max hesitated and then sighed thinking about what to say. "You can take breaks y'know silly, I'm pretty sure that's why we have phones for a reason." Max smiled at her and insisted on giving her a hug.

"Thank you Max" El told the ginger-headed girl. "I appreciate it, probably more than you think." She smiled and hugged back.

"Now let's see, what time do we have to be at this event?" El questioned

"Uhm I think it starts at 8 pm but, the before party or 'red carpet' is at 6. So we could leave at 5:30 if we wanna get some food before others start showing up." Max answered her

(Thought we could use more meleven so here you are <3)


They in fact did not get there at 6 but at 7. Turns out when you are watching a really good show and fall asleep in the early afternoon means you're not going to be leaving at your wanted time. The drive there took 30 minutes and for all three of them to meet up when they finished dressing took around 1:30 minutes (closer to 2). Billy was staying in a separate room next to the girls for obvious reasons.  

El stormed into Max's Bedroom and woke her up, telling her what time it was and that they were going to be late if they don't start moving their asses. El put on this nice black dress, it was longer and had a little more open front and the back went over her shoulders. The back had a cross design and the dress had a cut in the front for her leg. She loved the dress and thought the black would contrast with Max's white one.

El had chosen smaller black heels as her shoe of choice and to tie it together she had put on makeup, she had chosen a light pink lip and the rest of the look was mild. El had asked to do Max's makeup when she finished putting on her dress. With a tiny bit of bickering about what she wanted, El finally got her to cooperate. She had put on a mild contour and foundation. And she tried to get the lip color as close to the same color as Max's actual lips. And finally to bring it together her shoes. She didn't wear heels so she wore flats instead.

Billy went with a white suit to match his sister as he thought it would cheer her up from having to wear a dress. And with that, they attempted to leave the hotel with few paparazzi interactions as possible. They succeeded because the limo was waiting for them at the back of the hotel.

None of them have ever been in a limo before, it was nice and enjoyable to them. Max felt anxious, she doesn't like being the "main character" it makes her embarrassed yet she didn't want to admit it.


"Hello everybody! Welcome back to the preview party for our NBA Draft! We are here on the red carpet catching looks at these fine young athletes and stars!"

"Along with information about the Draft, we've had a select few athletes come through who have promising spots in the big teams."

"Oh hold on. I'm getting word that more people have shown up to the red carpet, let's take our cameras there now!"


Billy was the one who stepped out of the car first, you could tell he was enjoying himself with the cameras recording and taking photos. He probably felt like a star! Billy held out his hand to help El out of the vehicle who then straightened out her dress and walked to stand next to Billy.

Max didn't want to go out at first but took a deep breath and looked at her brother and her best friend with a smile as she stepped out of the car. She was intimidated by the cameras but she didn't care. She was with who she adored most...speaking of that she deeply wished Lucas was watching her. She felt herself smile at the thought of it.


"Holy- you're telling me that's MADMAX?! I thought she would be wearing a blazer or something, she looks so good in that dress!" 

"Looks like our improvised presenter has arrived with her older brother Billy and apparently her supervisor Jane."

"Well, that's something you don't see every day, a tomboy skater in a dress. Let's meet them on the carpet with Melissa"


on the TV:

"MADMAX" Max Mayfield

Jane Hopper

Billy Hargrove

i.e: Max will be presenting a Draft tonight 

Melissa: "so MADMAX, how are you?"

Max: "I'm good but I'd be better once I eat something, to be honest"

Billy: "well we can do that in a few minutes Max" he said as he smiled 

Melissa: "so did you plan on this outfit to get a reaction from the public?"

Max: "welll~ no and yes, I was forced by her *points to El* and then it made me realize that I could get a reaction out of the public" she laughed 

*the rest of the conversation in the background*


"She's so pretty" Erica said aloud as she along with her and Lucas's parents were watching on the couch. Erica missed Max coming over. Again, she always looked up to her as an older sister. She missed when Max and her brother were together she thought they were at their happiest. She knew her mom thought the same.

"Mhmm, I'm surprised Lucas arrived earlier than her, I remember all the times she was always early for her studying or projects with Lucas." Her mother commented.

The room fell silent as they all had the same thoughts in their mind. They watched as the three of them walked inside most likely to eat. Erica got up to stretch her legs she walked to the kitchen and got her phone out.


 Annoying sibling 

E: heyyyy Lukeyy

what do you want? :L

E: well I thought I'd inform you that Max had arrived...

oh well, thanks I guess :L

E: anndd she's wearing a dress 😏

Read 8:47 pm


"Oh he is so in love" Erica chuckled to herself.


Guyyyyys I hope you enjoyed this so far! 

Anyways thanks for reading :)

- Macy

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