Keep it Under Wraps

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El and Billy were the only ones Max told about her and Lucas being back together. They understood that they could not tell anyone else, It was the rule so it wouldn't slip to the media and public. At this point, it was required to keep it under wraps. That night his car pulled into the Byer's driveway. She looked at Lucas as she thought of words to say.

"...Are we like...together?" was what she said eventually.

"What do you mean? of course! I'll let you know that I swear on it."  He said confidently 

"Okay because I'm just not sure I entir-" she was cut off.

He pulled apart from her and smiled, to which she became red in the face at his sudden kiss.

"I'm sure"



It had been a few months, and Lucas's first game was amazing! His team won, but it was upsetting for Max. With his team being very close to her in California, it bugged her that she couldn't go see his games. Though they both understood the circumstances. It was ok because they were with each other after the game at her house.

They had been keeping low, even around the party, they kept their interactions subtle. While she was in California, she had been much better at keeping in contact. El sometimes came with her back to California, but Max knew she was comfier in Hawkins. They would set up meetings so El could go over her schedule of skating competitions. 

Lucas would text her his schedule as well, they would set up times to meet and hang out. The trending page became more refined since their visit back to the school. A few of the kids had posted pictures of them while they were there. People tried to look out for the two of them together in public, or at his games. They never did see them together, thus leaving them from the eye of the media.

They both had been a little on edge about their situation but as it went on, they both adjusted and adapted to it. They had no choice anyway. 


El had informed Max and Billy that they (the party) had made plans to meet up and go out. All of them, apparently Dustin managed to convince Eddie and Chrissy to come as well. She had to go at this point. The day after, she and Billy both packed for a few nights and got in the Camaro, and drove to Hawkins. 

Lucas had invited the two of them to stay at his house, to which they agreed. It had been a while driving with minimal conversation, due to Max falling asleep. Billy knew she needed it, she had been busy these past few months. He didn't mind the silent car ride, though it would be nice to listen to his music.

He pulled up to the Sinclair's house, looked over to Max, and smirked. He got out of the car and stretched his legs. He chuckled to himself as he began to walk up the steps to his front door and rang the bell. Mr. Sinclair opened the door with a smile as he shook Billy's hand and told him to come inside. 

"Lucas, your guests arrived!" His dad called him downstairs.

Lucas walked downstairs and looked around for a certain someone. 

Billy cleared his throat. "your girlfriend is in the car asleep, do as you must" Billy showed him away to the door. Lucas walked up to the navy car and opened the side door. He placed his lips on the top of her head hoping that it would make her wake up. It didn't, so he did the only other thing she hated. 

"Lucas! stoppp" she groaned as she tried to swat his hands away from her side. The fact that the Sinclair boy decided on tickling her was, to say the least, a mistake he knew he would regret later. For now, he had to subdue and help her and Billy settle in for the next few days.

The two eventually placed hers and Billy's suitcases in their respective rooms. Billy would get the guest room and Max would stay in Lucas's room. He had set up an air mattress next to his bed with pillows and sheets belonging on it. Though he didn't know if they would actually use the makeshift bed, it was the thought that counted.

The rest of that day was easy as Billy somehow by the grace of god, got Erica to enjoy Metallica with him as the two were rocking out in his room. Max thought that it was us nature of the "big brother" that made Erica feel comfortable around him. Lucas and Max walked downstairs and passed the room in which the two were dancing and singing. With a chuckle, of course, Max knew she would use this for blackmail. 

His parents were in the living room as they entered the kitchen. "What do we think for dinner?" Lucas asked wanting the three of them for input. 

"Billy will eat anything, I don't care what I have. And I'm not sure about Erica?" Max stated.

"Spaghetti?" His father recommended which earned a nod from his mother.

"There should be a box of pasta in the pantry if you want to start the water. Oh and in the cabinet above the mixer there should be an assortment of canned items, look in there for the sauce." Mrs. Sinclair added.


His Parents didn't mind Lucas staying there, it was his home as much as it was theirs. Even though he didn't pay the taxes. Lucas was looking for a nice house in California to buy after he got his first big paycheck, he had started getting paid and it had all been put in the bank. It was the best idea for not wanting to go bankrupt right as he got his career started. 

His parents, though they didn't want to admit it, actually liked him there. it reminded them of when he was little, it put a smile on their faces. He would help around the house and do errands for them, it was his way of saying thank you, or as his mother liked to call it, rent. 

The evening was quiet as the music from Billy's room stopped as the call for dinner was made. Max had teased Billy and Erica about their "performance" and asked if they got any audience. to which Erica laughed and Billy snarled. 

as Lucas and Max cleaned up dinner, they discussed the evening of tomorrow. Lucas knew Max could keep it together but him? He couldn't keep his mouth 100% closed. he was nervous, Max promised him that everything was going to be okay, all they needed to do was keep things under wraps. 


ooOoooooo I'm excited about this next one!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! thank you to @Heatherstream88 for giving me lil' prompt at the start.

the next chapter awaits!


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