MISSION: Possible?

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The pair had their doubts, Max knew she could keep her mouth shut...from past experiences. But she had a soft spot for El. They would also be going to a public restaurant in the city, not in their town. Which meant, unfortunately, the fear of paparazzi (though they rarely think paparazzi would be in Indiana) and people taking pictures of them.

They both agreed not to care about that stuff right now. It was just the two of them driving to the Wheeler's house. They were all going to take one car like they always used to when they were younger. They were met with the smiles of their friends as the two of them entered the house.

They decided on going to this nice Italian place on the corner of one of the streets in the city. Sure there were going to be people, but there were going to be people that felt comfy around as well, it'll work out. Mike was driving, El in the front seat, Max and Dustin in the middle, and Lucas and Will. Max had to admit, she missed Dustin and Will. They were always the ones who she felt she could vent. 

In fact, Will thinks she was the first one that knew about his sexuality. They trusted each other so highly. And Dustin? was always the one to cheer her up, or distract her from her thoughts with a joke or activity. She really did miss her boys...well then there's Mike. Sure they have a bumpy start but that doesn't mean they had a smooth ending either. But she did enjoy the nice moments she had with the boy, whether they were nagging each other or not. 


It was like a 30-40 minute drive, it felt shorter with all the conversation and music playing in the vehicle. Mike found a parking spot and then one by one they hopped out of the car. They made plans for them to be there at 8, it worked out well and they were there a few minutes past 8 pm. El and Max walked side by side, as they agreed to sit next to each other. Max then told her that she wanted Will to sit next to her on the other side. 

In the end, the seats were made, Max in the middle, El on one side, and Will on the other. Dustin was across from her and on both sides of Dustin sat Lucas and Mike. It was nice just them there talking, Eddie came with Chrissy around 10 minutes later. Max hasn't realized until now how lucky she really was, she tried not to think about it because of her past with...Neil. Back then she didn't feel all lucky, she admitted her life was pretty sucky.

She really missed and adored her friends, even though she was very familiar with Eddie and Chrissy. The times she did encounter them was sweet. She smiled, she rarely used to smile back then, so when a few of her friends caught a glance in the moment, they were relieved. She was finally happy, though Will knew she never would come clean and admit it. She was Max after all.


Because of his observance, Will knew that something must have happened. He didn't second chance it, he knew. The only thing is that he didn't know, sure he had his assumptions, but those were very rarely correct 100% of the time. Throughout the dinner, he kept looking at his friends. He saw all of them and took in all of their slight movements, what can you say he is the very own Will the Wise. 

He noticed two things in particular that stood out to his very own eyes. 1) Lucas was way quieter than she normally was, and 2) He kept glancing in her direction. Now, he wasn't certain what was happening but he knew it was between them. He knew Max trusted him so if he were to find out, he would do as told and zip his lip. 

He figured he would talk about it with her privately when they got back to Mike's. For now, he'll keep his watch on both of them. 


Lucas had to keep his mouth closed as his life depended on it. Max would kill him if something were to happen, that's an understatement. He had been quiet the entire time trying his best to keep his nervousness to himself. That was until he was asked a question about his basketball career. 

"So Lucas, Max told me that you asked for help picking out a house in California?" Dustin said in a questioning tone.

"oh uhhhhhh.... yeah. Well, I just thought that since she and Billy were from there, I would ask the 'locals'. Though, I'm not going to actually put a down payment on anything until I get my first big paycheck." Lucas nodded feeling a little bit better that he shook off some of the nervousness as he spoke. 

"oh really? You're even getting all these legal payments and stuff down, that must be complicated." Mike spoke.

"yeah it is, but it'll get easier as time goes on" Lucas responded which earned a nod from his beloved. 

Eventually, their food came and they ate, Max had found out from El that her next competition was in North Carolina which was only a few states over and was an easy road trip. Max estimated around 5 hours. She had invited them to come watch, to which they all agreed as long as their schedule was available. 


They all had arrived at the Wheeler's house and came inside for a few. Lucas pulled Max aside and told her how hard he had been keeping his mouth shut. She thanked him as he stated that that night was like MISSION: Impossible except for the fact that it was possible. She laughed at his dorky comment.

They were gathered in the living room, El checking her schedule so that she could make plans for the rest of the party to come with them to NC. Max really appreciated this, that El was here for her she loved the company. Max and El were communicating when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Surprised to see Will. 

"Hey uh, can I talk with you for a moment?" His kind nature asked.

Max nodded as she followed him into the basement. 

"I know you probably don't want me prying but, is there something wrong between you and Lucas? He was very quiet at dinner and only spoke up if he was asked a specific question. Oh, and he also kept eyeing you like he was checking on you." He had told her his thoughts. 

"Shit..." She muttered under her breath, though Will still heard.

"What? is there something wrong?" He became startled at her reaction.

"Okay Will I trust you but you have to promise, and I mean under no circumstances talk about it, mention it, or give hints about it unless I say it's okay. He nodded in confusion. "Lucas and I... kinda got back together annnddd we want to take it slow. We want it to be private. Especially in public and around the media." She took a breath, "And it hurts me not to tell anyone here, but I know I can't even tell Dustin because I know for a fact that he'll rant and eventually tip the bucket." 

Her face had obtained a slight tint of red as she shared this information with him. 

"Wow. well, I'm glad you trust me enough." Will gave her a smile as he brought her into a hug. 

"Well you could trust me with your love life, I assumed you could do the same with mine for the time being?" She joked as they pulled apart

"One more question" He stated before they both walked up the stairs. 


"Is there anyone else that does know? like besides me?"

Max nodded as she began to name people, "yeah. Billy, El, let's see Erica, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, and then you."

Will nodded as the two of them walked up the stairs receiving a glance from a few of their friends. 

"Hey don't leave us hangin' with the secrets you tell each other!" Dustin teased the both of them, 

"Yeah, remember friends don't lie" Mike added with a smirk on his face. 

"yeah well vents only listen, I don't think they can talk Mr. Dusty Bun" Max rolled her eyes and laughed at the boy's reaction. 

"I told you that in confidence!" he sputtered out as the rest of them laughed.


Eventually, they all split their ways and headed home, Max needed to talk to Lucas in the morning about her conversation with Will. For now, she decided that snuggling with him was the best option to fall asleep. 

He kissed her head and whispered goodnight as she began to drift off to a humble sleep.


Secrets out! what happens now?

new chapter soon for now enjoy this <3

- Macy

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