Practice makes Perfect

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With the day getting along, and his first game coming close. Lucas had decided to go to the moment where it started and practice. He knew it was a school day but he didn't care if people saw him. All he had to do was go and ask the coach to use the gym. Though he had no doubt that he would be able to use it, he kinda wished someone was there with him. He thought that it was worth a shot and asked Max if she wanted to come.

She was concerned because they would be seen together, in the public, just the two of them. It took some convincing to get her to come but he said that she could bring her skateboard and do some tricks in the gym. Seeming as if she had a competition the next week.

By then it was around 11 and they both hoped to remember that their old class didn't have gym that day. They both walked into the building, stopping at the desk in the front. Lucas talked to the lady at the desk while Max looked around in nostalgia, she felt all the memories come back to her. 


"Yo, Max? She said that we could walk to the coach's office and ask." Lucas has informed her.

They both started walking down the historic walls of the school, there were a few students that gave them stares, but that was to be expected. Max looked at 2 kids and made them smile as she walked past. Lucas and her walled down the hall where their old lockers were at.

"Hey Lucas, remember that one time you tried to hide in my locker to scare me on Halloween?" Max began to laugh.

"No, no no. Don't bring that up!" He wined as he remembered he got stuck in the locker.

"Oh, you screamed like a girl that night too! I can't believe you were that dumb" Max teased him.

"Maaaxxxx, stop it! That's personal info we don't share" he sarcastically said in response.

He stopped in front of the coach's door and knocked. A faint "come in" was heard. Max and Lucas both stepped into the room. Lucas asked the coach if it was ok to use the gym to practice, which he kindly agreed to. 

"Sure! Do want me to show you to it?" He kindly asked the pair.

"Nah, I think we got it" Max said in response, "thank you though" is what she said to finish her sentence.

And with that they walked again down the halls and into the gymnasium, Lucas had brought a duffel bag with water, snacks, and his basketball belongings. He told Max to do whatever she wanted as he went to work on his shots. Max had sat down and pulled her board into her lap to check her wheels, she plopped her board down and began to ride around. Though it would be better if she actually went to a skate park with pools for her to use. She didn't mind the flat ground of the gym, she could be sure to kickflips easier on flat ground.


Max informed Lucas that she was going to take a walk, he nodded and she walked out of the doors. There were more students in the halls this time as she was sure they were all going to their lockers and grabbing their lunch. She looked at one student with a smile on her face at the site of her. Max walked up to her and said hello. The girl exclaimed that she was very happy to see Max there but she wondered why she would come here, to this random school in the middle of a small town.

Max had told her it was because the school had a gym and that they could use it because of the fact she and Lucas had gone to school here. The girl's face looked surprised, Max had let out a chuckle as she admitted that even she had to go through this hellhole every single day. They talked a little and for once, Max didn't find a kid to be annoying and absurd. Max pulled out her phone to send a text to Lucas.


Stalker 😒♥️

M: yo Lucas

L: yeah? What's up 

M: I found a kid and I enjoy talking with her so imma go sit with her at lunch

L: oh? Max Mayfield for once doesn't find a kid bitchy? 

M: shut up, anyways change ur cloths, and bring me some of your snacks :p

L: yeah ok sure whatever 


Max had walked with the girl to the cafeteria just talking about normal things, nothing about her being famous or the fact she came with Lucas. When they entered the cafeteria it was loud like it always was, but at least there wasn't a Troy or Jason, so it was better. They had sat down at a table with a few of the girl's friends. Instantly they were jaw dropped when the girl, whose name was Katie, told her friends that she and Max have been talking. Max had told them a little about when she went to school there at Hawkins high, they thought it was great. Max thought it was stupid for people to be amazed at a story about how bitchy school was. 

Max rolled her eyes, Lucas came into the cafeteria looked around, and then proceeded to walk toward the table Max was sitting at.

"Hey Stalker, where are my snacks? Hmm?" Max teased him as she scooted over making room for him at the table. 

"Oh for crying out loud, Here just take it" Lucas responded in an annoyed tone of voice. "I swear you will be the cause of my death Max" Lucas had told her as she began to shove a few chips in her mouth.

At this Max scoffed a rolled her eyes, "yeah well at least you wouldn't die from a random person, I'm sure I'd be honored if I was to kill you Sinclair" she smirked at him knowing that he possibly had nothing else to say. 

"I swear you two are going to give me a headache with your bickering" Katie laughed at them 

"Now your sounding just like Mike, Katie" Max laughed 

Katie questioned who Mike was and both Lucas and Max explained their complicated friend group. By the end of the day, Max had obtained a new friend and a little more confidence to talk with Lucas. He had invited her to come over to his house for dinner, saying that she sure wouldn't mind meeting with Erica again.

To which he finally caught her with the use of his mom's cheesecake. It was Max's favorite, she finally accepted and they drove over to his house. 


Thank you all for the 1.6k reads!

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this as much as I am <3

What do you think is going to happen at Lucas's house?? Leave a comment on what you think will might come true.

Thanks again, 

- Macy

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