"Oh you always crossed my mind, but you never would have noticed me like that, you probably would have really married Hana" when I looked up his doe eyes were dark, looking into mine." I felt my back his a classroom door, he opening it.

"You have always had my attention..Hana wouldn't have been around if you didn't go." He shut the door, lifting my torso up, setting me on the desk.

"If I have to start dating you to get you back.. then that's what I will do." His lips brushed against mine.

"If you're thinking about your new baby, I promise you I will love him just like I love our children." I looked away, Kija already had a devoted father, its not that Jungkook wasn't devoted he just expected me to always understand why he always had to leave, Namjoon is a constant figure in all of my childrens lives. He turned my favce gently towards his, for the first time I was nervous to be this close to Jungkook.

"Babe..I'm here..I'm not going anywhere." I could feel in my gut he would. He kissed me, softly at first, I kissed him back I had to try. My heart was taken by Namjoon, and as attractive Jungkook was, there was to much damage. To make things worse the kids had adjusted to their new life. I didn't want to uproot them. I didn't realize how heated the kiss had gotten. Our bodies were pressed together, I didn't want sex, he wasn't trying to either, he just want to play around. We were obviously still attracted to one another. His hands tightened around my thighs, I moaned into his lips. My hand was under his shirt, Jungkook groaned lowly as my fingertips traced along his chest, down to his abs. His tongue moved against mine, just like it used too. Before I knew it we were in a chair, and I was on his lap, he placed me on the out line of his hard on through his pants. I was getting deja vu from being in school with Jimin. He pressed me  down, moving my hip on his excitement. This wasn't sex, and this felt good. Our lips were inches apart, I looked in his eyes, there was a small bit hope in eyes, he was still in love he just had to bring it back out. I didn't want hope though.

"Princess, I need your lips back on mine, its been to long..I need you." He whispered. Kissing me tenderly, our lips were back on each others, He moved my hips against him, riding his excitement through our the fabric of our jeans. The teasing was hot.. I knew alot more of this would be happening, before he was inside of me again. We both were silent after we both finished. He held me tight, and we stayed that way for a while.

We spent the entire day together, catching up, laughing, he was getting me used to his touch and his lips again.

Jungkook slowly started coming back into the picture, but Namjoon wasn't going anywhere I made that clear.

Time lapse

Three weeks later.

Jimin had called me, he needed my help with a concert in New York. So I flew out Jiminshi needed me, and I wanted to help.

I didn't know Jimin was on a video call with the our little family. Hobi set it up so the kids could see me. When I walked in,  I had on a loose tshirt,  short shorts,flannel shirt  tyed around my hips, with some black thigh highs.

I took my sunglasses off. I kissed Jimins cheek, Before taking charge of the group. I couldn't help but smile, he was in his element.

Its  when his dance captain came in and it was Hyunjin. I started laughing as he pulled me into a hug, spinning me around. 

"Ali...if you need a seat my laps right here." he chuckled

"No, Hyunjin, she's your dance partner, she's my guest. " he stood so dominant.

I smirked  walking away from my dance partner.

"Kitten did you stretch?" I raised my brow challenging him.

Two Hearts : One LoveWhere stories live. Discover now