Thought and dreams

Start from the beginning

"Girls!" Cheryl shouts. Making every girl on the round table stop talking and looking up. They're all staring and I'm starting to freak out.

"This is Y/N, she is my new roommate." Kimberley said, softly placing a hand on my back making me jump a little.

"Hi, I'm Nicola." a pale red headed says, smiling as she extends her hand.

"This is Lex, Lily, Amy, Kate, and Ollie." Cheryl used her finger to point at each and every girl as she mentions their names.

They all said hi at once then bursting into giggles as they looked at each other.

"Hello," I half smile while giving them all a little wave.

All the girls seem to know each other pretty well. I just sit here and eat my food quietly listening to their conversation here and there.

"Bitch," Cheryl starts but before she could continue Kimberley grabs her hand.

"Babe." She warned her, and Cheryl shook her head. I look up to see where Cheryl was looking and of course I am met with a pair of green eyes again.

She smirked before turning to her friends laughing at whatever the girl next to her had said.

"Aubreyyy!" Elizabeth said loud enough for us to hear but we all just ignored her.

The girls go back eating, I tried to act normal and at ease but I can feel somebody is watching me but then again everyone is watching. Everyone has noticed the new girl in the room. I tried to ignore all the stares and actually enjoy the food, but it is a very difficult task.

Kimberley has tried her best to include me as girls have been talking about their classes, which teachers they like and which ones they hate.

I noticed I have most of my classes with them. Cheryl said I had dance with her which puts me at ease.

The room is starting to clear out but our table is still in deep conversation. Lily had mentioned sneaking out for party on Friday as a welcome back celebration.

I've also learned that just on the other side of town there is an all-boys school, not that I care about that because I am definitely not interested in boys, but all the other girls seem to be all giddy about it.

We've decided to head back to our dorms. The only room in the same floor as mine and Kimberley's is Cheryl's. I've also learned that that Nicola's room is quite far because she has a single person dorm, I guess she had to convinced her dad to pay extra for her own room and I can't even begin to think how much more she has to pay for full privacy.

"Y/N?" I hear Cheryl call my name "You don't mind if I stay over with Kimba, right?" She asks, a bit shy.

"Of course not, just no funny business." I said pointing at them both. Kimberley had a slight blush on her cheeks, but Cheryl was just grinning.

"Yay, walk us to me room and then we can all go back to yours!" Cheryl said quickening up her pace. I shake my head at her energy, these girls don't seem too bad after all.

I've learnt that Cheryl is from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and her Geordie accent is very unmistakable. They use us for me and me for my/mine. Which I had gathered from just the little time I've spent with her. She's very feisty, the complete opposite to Kimberley who is actually very calm and collected. Very well put together and treats everyone with so much kindness. She sees the good in every person and helps without wanting anything in return. They do say opposite attracts and they are the living proof of that.

We made it to Cheryl's room, I was in my own little world which I don't really mind because they were in a bubble of their own.

The first thing my eyes land on is my hoodie and shirt neatly folded on the bed, but I clearly remember leaving on the bathroom floor because I was rushed by Cheryl.

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