He goes towards his cabin but doesn't find y/n on her desk.

He enters his cabin and stands near the window. He finds y/n there who was going in yoongi's car. He gets shocked for a while.

He turns his face away and goes from there. His eyes get teary and he gets emotional. He wasn't able to handle himself. He can't see her with anyone else. He wanted to go to her and tell her that how much he love her.

Near yoongi's car

Y/n: wow...he is too cute...!!

Yoongi: yeah..his name is holly.

Y/n: will ge become me friend?

Yoongi: well, u can try. But he doesn't like anyone else than me.

Y/n: ohh...m jealous. He is really very cute.

Y/n goes inside his car and tries to shake hands with that cute puppy.

After some time

Maria: well, y/n...u have to come.

Y/n: ahh I can't...

Maria: come on..!! Bring ur friends too..!! I wanna meet them..!! Jimin told me about jin, Tae, and kira.

Y/n: ahh Alice and Namjoon too.

Maria: ohh he mentioned about alice...but namjoon...well, ur all friends..!! Bring them too.

Y/n: ahh it's ok... I will come alone...

Maria: come on...!! I know that it becomes boring without friends..!! It's just a small party in my farm house..!! U can bring them.

Y/n: ohk... I will.

Maria: that's like my girl.

Next day

They all go for the party. Tho, Jin refused to go but Tae managed to bring him. Namjoon too brought Alice as y/n insisted.

At farm house

Y/n comes with her friends.

Jimin: ohh hi guys..!!

Jin: hello.

Y/n: how r u jimin?

Jimin: am good.

Jimin gets sad when he sees Namjoon there with Alice.

Jk, too comes there.

Tae: hi Jungkook.

Jk: hi.

Yoongi, too comes there.

Yoongi: hi y/n.

Y/n: hello.

Yoongi: u look pretty.

Y/n: ohh thank you. Well, these r my friends.

Yoongi: oh hi..guys. I am Min Yoongi, y/n's one more friend.

Tae looks at y/n and says,"well, you didn't mentioned about him before."

Y/n: ohh yeah.. actually, he is Maria's friend and our company's new client too. I met him in the office.

Jk's pov: why is she lying? She already knew him.

Jin: ohk ohk..

Tae: u should have told us.

Hobi comes there.

Hobi: hey everyone. What's up?

Tae: ohh hobi..!! Where were u man..?? I called you.

Hobi: m sorry... Taetae. My phone was on silent.

Everyone gets surprised when they see that hobi and Tae really became very closed friends.

Tae: ahh.. let's go somewhere. I have to discuss about something with you. Sorry guys.

Kira: no problem. U should go.

Tae and Hobi go from there.

Maria: ohh.. everyone is here..!!

Y/n: yes.

Maria: well, r u jin? U look handsome. Jimin was right.

Jin: ahh i know... very very handsome...thanks jimin.

Maria: yeahh..he told me about each one of you.

Jimin: yeah..she wanted to know about everyone.

Maria: yeah...

Y/n: well, yes he is jin, she is kira, she is alice and he is namjoon.

Maria: hi everyone... and Tae?

Y/n: he is there with hobi.

Maria: ohk..well, we will play a game now.

Jk: what game?

Maria: wait...!!

She goes from there and stands in the middle of the room.

Maria: well, pay attention everyone. We will play a game now. So, now everyone will be divided into pairs. We have to go to the nearby jungle and each pair will have to go to different direction and find the hint. With those hints, you will get the keys of the main farm house. Okay?

Jimin: ahh such games r for kids, I guess.

Alice: but I love such games.

Tae: Yeah...me too.

Jimin: ohk..then, we should try it.

They all go near the jungle and pairs r made with the help of chits which were in the bowl.

So, the main pairs were like Tae and Hobi, Jimin and Maria, Alice and Namjoon, Y/n and jungkook ( thanks to Maria who cheated just to make their pair), Jin and Kira.

They all go in different directions.

Jin: ahh I got u as my pair.

Kira: u don't like it, right?

Jin: when did I said that?

Kira: it means u have no problem?

Jin: no. I mean, it's alright.

Kira didn't knew why but she was blushing.

Jin: now I will show you my skills. I will find the hints before you.

Kira: uff..we r in the same team, so how does it matter?

Jin: it matters. I am wwh, you know.

Kira: yeah yeah...! 😒

On the other side

Maria: ahh I wanted jin to be my partner.

Jimin: hahaha... don't tell me that you like him.

Maria: ahh not at all. It's just coz he is so handsome.

Jimin: well, u have no chance.

Maria: why? Is he dating someone?

Jimin: idk.

Maria: but I think that girl kira, she also likes him.

Jimin: i don't think so. I have never seen them together.

Maria: ahh..come on..u forgot that u r talking with maria..!

Jimin: ok ok.. let's see. Well, nice plan to bring bro and y/n closer.

Maria: ikr.

Author's pov
1688 words

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