Namjoon then played with Jin's hair teasing him. "Well... I think your way cuter then the ducks."

Jin then put his head down giggling a little. "You have to remind me?"

"I think you look handsome then." Jin said as he lifted his head a little.

"Hmm. Thank you Jin." Namjoon said.

"Alright we'll go this way now, towards the sitting area and the other fountain." Jin told Namjoon pointing at the area.

"Okay, I'll follow your lead." Namjoon said as he walked with Jin to the area examining all the trees and the grass.

They then walked up the three little stairs and saw the fountain infront of them a couple steps away. Jin could hear the water and walked up to the fountain looking at it. Namjoon stood beside him also looking at it.

"Wow there is a lot of pennies and nickels in here." Jin said looking down at in the water. "It's also very clear.. I wonder how they put it in the middle of here like that.

There was also other people by the fountain and walking past them either throwing coins in or taking pictures by the fountain.

"Yes I wonder that too. Matter a fact that's a good question." Namjoon said. "There's even wording here that says 'where the water flows'."

Jin agreed and then walked away from the fountain staying on the side walk they were walking on before. Jin and Namjoon walked by many people chilling at the park and the view for them was the best part, there was even a little dog there that was inside a lady's purse sitting there looking around at people.


Jin and Namjoon found a little flower field that led up to a little cafe and decided to walk up there and admire the flower field.

"Woahh, Joon. There's a lot of sunflowers here." Jin said looking at all some of them up close. He was shocked to see so many yellow flowers in one area and for their to be a clear pathway amazed him.

"Yeah, they look like they could live forever in the heat, you can even see the dead ones. If there is any." Namjoon told Jin.

"Well I think that this is very cool. Joon let's take a picture by these ones." Jin asked as he stood closer to the sunflowers.

"Okay!" Namjoon said as he stood beside Jin holding up the peace sign at the camera smiling.

Jin then took the picture and then closed his phone. "Thank you, you look very handsome around the flowers."

"Ah. Thank you cutiee, your hair looks nice around the flowers too." Namjoon said as he hugged Jin walking with him up the hill getting closer to the cafe.

"The cafe looks very modern." Jin said.

Namjoon agreed and they made it closer to the Cafe entering it. Namjoon was holding the door for Jin as he walked in and looked at the menu to order. The cafe was like a pastel green with white seats a couple by the window and plants also sitting by the window.

"Ooh they have little sandwiches and drinks here." Jin said sitting across from Namjoon.
"I'll get the order by the way, I'll wait for you to finish."

"Okay. Hmm .... Let's see." Namjoon look it over and decided what he wanted.

"I will get a taro bubble tea with tapioca pearls." Namjoon told Jin.

"Ohh okay, I'll be right back." Jin then walked up to the cashier and told her the order.

Namjoon went on his phone to text Hoseok:

Kim. N

- Hey Hoseok! How are you?

Jung. H

-Hello Namjoonnn I'm good, how about you?

Kim. N

-I'm doing good, I'm out with Jin, we've been around taking walks at the park and we found a really nice flower field.

Jung. H

-Woahh, seems like you too much be having fun walking around. What are you doing now?

Kim. N

-Jin is ordering drinks for us both since we made it to a little cafe.

Jung. H

-Aww he's so sweet. Hope you enjoyed your time there! I'm out visiting my sister for the day.

Kim. N

-Oh okay! Tell her I said hello.

Jung. H

-mkay, I'll ttyl Namjoon.! ☀️

Kim. N

-Talk to you later! Jung Hoseok.

Namjoon then put his phone down and looked over at Jin. Jin was still waiting for one more drink which took 20 more seconds for the lady to make. Jin then bowed and took the straw walking back to Namjoon.

"I got them." Jin said happily handing Namjoon his boba.

"Oh what did you get?" Namjoon asked as he poked him straw inside his drink.

"I got a little tea, it's a chamomile tea." Jin said as he picked it up sipping out of it.

"Ohh okay. I hope you enjoy it." Namjoon said as he drank his boba.

"Thank you, same thing goes to you." Jin said smiling at Namjoon sipping his tea


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