Chapter 17

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Sana's POV

"Breathe! Tzuyu, breathe!" I exclaimed, witnessing the girl I had always thought was invincible, break down in front of me.

She was having a panic attack, and it was all my fault.

This could have been avoided if I hadn't brought up such a sensitive topic.

"Look at me Tzuyu, focus on me," I spoke softly, my hands reaching out to grasp her still trembling hands together, rubbing small circles on the skin on the back of her hands, holding them tightly enough so they wouldn't slip from my grasp.

She slightly relaxed from our contact, but I could tell that she was still very shaken up, her eyes were still squeezed tightly together. One good thing was that the trembling had slightly subsided.

But it wasn't enough.

I knew I had to do more.

Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around her, engulfing her in a hug. Her skin touched mine, sending a shiver down my spine at how cold she was.

"I'm here, I'm with you," I softly whispered into her ears, with as much affection as possible.

I slowly stroked the back of her exposed upper arm, giving her the reassurance that I was there. I knew the skin contact would help, it would help her know I was there for her, that I was there with her, that we could get through this together.

She tensed for a second before her body started to relax at the presence of my skin on hers, her shoulders eased up from their previously upright position, falling back into their original positions.

Her breathing began to even out, her chest stopped trying to inhale big gulps of air and the trembling in her hands began to fizzle out.

To my surprise, I felt her arms wrap around me too, reciprocating my hug.

And when I heard sniffles, I knew that the floodgates she was trying so hard to control, were about to open.

She needed a release.

She desperately needed a release.

"Let it out Tzuyu, let it all out," I gently whispered, tightening the grip of my arms around her.

And she did.

She began crying, bawling, her eyes out.

It broke my heart, shattered it completely.

During the few months I've known her, I had never expected to see her shed a single tear for anything or anyone, yet here she was, sobbing her eyes out on my shoulder.

It was so hard seeing her break down completely. In my eyes, she was this tough, strong, determined, brilliant girl, that was always snarky with her remarks. She was someone who knew what she wanted, and would not hesitate to take it, even if that meant she had to take down a bunch of obstacles in between to reach her goal.

It hurt so much seeing her this vulnerable, this fragile.

Her tears soaked the fabric of my baby blue t-shirt, which I was sure would leave a very obvious wet patch once she decides to pull away from the hug.

Her arms tightened around me too, her face still buried into the crook of my neck.

I sat there patiently, slowly patting her back, letting her release her pent-up tears, frustrations, and unsaid emotions.

We sat there for close to a quarter of an hour, arms wrapped around each other.

It was only when her cries began to stifle, that I decided I would slightly loosen my arms that were wrapped around her, giving her the option to pull away or remain in my embrace.

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