Chapter 7

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Sana's POV

Oh, how the tables have turned.

It was always her getting in trouble, but why did it feel like I was the one getting in trouble now? Why were the roles reversed? I was the teacher here, not the student. Since when did teachers get in trouble with their students?

I was seriously contemplating if I should accept her request. I didn't know if I was more afraid, or nervous to hear her request.

What could she possibly want to speak with me about?

I looked into her brown eyes, trying to get a glimpse of an idea of what she wanted to talk to me about, unfortunately, her eyes showed no signs of emotions. She was still wearing the same emotionless look, but now, her eyes didn't look as empty and cold as they used to before.

"Take a seat," I said while nodding my head, gesturing to the nearby chair that she could pull over to sit on.

She had already managed to make me a sleep-deprived zombie, there couldn't possibly be anything else she could do to make my life even worse. What could possibly go wrong?

I saw her drag a chair towards the front of my desk before sitting down on it. She sat upright with her head tilted towards the floor, her arms stretched out, placing them on her knees, fingers fiddling with each other. Her once confident demeanour seemed to have disappeared and instead, a shy, timid Tzuyu appeared out of nowhere.

I couldn't believe that the cause of my nightmares could become this shy, timid person in the blink of an eye. It was hard to imagine, much less believe they were the same person.

I quickly shook myself out of my trance before clearing my throat in preparation to speak.

"So, what did you want to speak to me about?" I asked in a gentle voice, curiosity evident in my voice. I could see she was nervous and fidgety, which was an extremely rare sight to see. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that Chou Tzuyu was capable of displaying such emotions. Where did the cold, emotionless Tzuyu go?

I watched her play with her fingers even more, her head still tilted towards the floor, through the fringes of her hair of her lowered head, I could see her eyebrows furrow as if she was racking her brain on how to formulate what she wanted to say into a sentence.

"I-I'm sorry"


I snapped out of my trance and looked at her now raised head, her eyes shied away from mine once we made eye contact.

Did she just apologise? Did the almighty, prideful Chou Tzuyu just apologise to me?

I'm really starting to think that this was a dream or maybe some alternate universe, those were more explainable than Chou Tzuyu apologising to me.

The fact that she was capable of showing emotions was surprising enough, but for her to apologise for god knows what she thinks she has done wrong is even more surprising.

"Your sorry.....for what?" I asked in confusion, what has she done wrong? Other than haunting me in my sleep, that is something that she doesn't know and doesn't need to know.

"I'm sorry for acting rudely after you called me out to answer a question," she said in a small voice before she lowered her head again in embarrassment.

I had forgotten about that, all I could remember was the cold, lifeless look she had given me, but had somehow managed to forget about the reason behind it.

Now, that cold, lifeless look wasn't as clear in my head as it used to be, it became a little blurry, maybe even a little faded out.

I remained stunned in my chair, still trying to recover from the shock of her apologising. It was then I realised she was looking at me expectantly, her big round eyes glimmering with hope, awaiting an answer to her apology. She looked like just like a puppy in an adoption centre, praying, hoping that the next person who walks into the centre will adopt it and bring it home with them.

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