"I don't understand." Fiona expressed her befuddlement.

"Do you recall the first time we met?" He asked her.

"Yes, actually, I do. We met last year in the conference room when your dad introduced you to all of us. He was very proud that you would be taking over from him. He was also excited that he could finally go back to Windshire." Fiona said.

"Yes. It was a sort of retirement plan to return to his hometown and start something of his own that took little energy. Hence, he invested in a cyber café. He had mentioned you a few times back home. He loves to talk about work. So I was not surprised that you were requested to brief me on all of the clients you and Adrian were handling because he had a family emergency. You walked with me all through it. That was one of the best moments I have had with you. Even though it was professional, I was captivated by you. To be bold, I started to like you. Because of our business relationship, I didn't know how to approach you about it. And more than that, I was your boss. I still am, but I never told you because I didn't want you to think of me as a paedophile. I expected it to fade away with time, but instead, it only grew stronger. Well, I know we didn't have a lot of business dealings together, but that little acknowledgment was enough for me to develop feelings for you." Justin told her the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

"I had no clue about it," Fiona said. She was overwhelmed with the situation.

"I didn't want you to know Fi. A boss hits on his employee. What kind of person does that make me? Plus, why do you think my grandmother emotionally blackmailed me into marrying you? It was because I didn't have the guts to ask you out."

"Cynthia Grams knew?" Fiona asked him with wide eyes.

"Yes. She was on my case one day, and I casually mentioned that I liked you. At that time, I was not aware that our grandmothers were best friends. So, she plotted everything with your grandmother. I was so pissed at her. She did push me to ask you out, but I kept making excuses. But in my defense, I was going to take a risk sometime in the future, but that risk was snatched away from me by our grandmothers. I was furious at her. I never wanted you to be with me because of our folks, but instead because you wanted to. I wanted to do it a traditional way, but that just went out of the window."

"Holy Crap!" Fiona gasped.

"I am sorry, Fiona. I..." But this time, it was Fiona who interrupted him.

"I finally understand everything now. Well, at least I think I do, apart from the concept of you wanting to ask me out amongst all the other women out there."

"What do you understand? And what's not to understand about me wanting to ask you out? Fiona, you are incredible. I don't need to stay with you to know that. I have seen you and observed you. But not in a stalker-like manner. You are out of any man's league, let alone me." Justin confessed.

"Justin, it's you. I cannot even imagine you asking me out. I know you as THE CEO of the company where I work. No normal person can imagine you asking an employee out." Justin mentally rolled his eyes at this.

"Fiona, I am just an ordinary person, but to me, you are an extraordinary woman. That is something that cannot be changed. I may have suppressed my feelings, but I can promise you that it is not guilt. Hypothetically, even if I didn't remotely like you, I would never confuse my feelings for you with remorse. I mean, Oliver liked you the moment you met. You are that likeable." Justin tried to make her see his point.

"Oliver doesn't like me like that. As a friend? Sure. He likes Ava." Fiona told him.

"Who is Ava? How come I don't know anything about her?" Justin asked her, confused.

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