"After all these years, she still scares the crap out of you." Fiona burst out laughing.

"Could you blame me?" He asked her, giving her a pointed look.

"Of course not. It wasn't you who used to prank her." Fiona remarked sarcastically.

"Take a look at my sweet, innocent face. Do I look like someone who can play a prank on anyone, let alone Emily?" Ethan mustered his most innocent face.

"Absolutely not." Fiona played along.

"But seriously. Emily isn't here, right? I don't want another haunted episode in my dream." Ethan asked again.

"Is there anyone who isn't scared of her? I would love to meet that person." Justin voiced out his thoughts, although he was quite inquisitive about this Ethan person.

"At least not in this world. So, you are her next target?" Ethan said.

"Yes. Apparently, Justin just made a devil deal. Three favors to Emily with no questions asked." Fiona informed him.

"Three. That's bold. I was done in one itself." Ethan reminisces about that favor he owed Emily.

"What did she ask of you?" Justin was curious but also terrified when he asked him a question.

"She wanted me to teach her how to punch, something she was already good at. But she wanted to master it and had seen my skills. I am good with punching bags. So, one month of pure torture of teaching Emily how to punch. She left me with far too many bruises to count." With a theatrical shudder, Ethan explained.

Justin became pale as he listened to his explanation.

"Anyway, do I know you?" Ethan asked him when he realized that he had been talking to a complete stranger.

Amanda introduced him. "This is Justin Carter, Fiona's husband."

"Your ex? It's not at all awkward. Fiona, when the hell did you get married?" Ethan asked her, surprised.

"It's been over two and a half months. It was a private wedding." Fiona told him.

"I am glad you found someone. Based on what Amanda has told me about him, he is a great guy, aside from being a workaholic. Her words, not mine." Before anyone could react with counter comments, he raised both hands in defense.

"I am not that of a workaholic." Justin groaned in annoyance.

"Yes, you are, Justin." Amanda and Fiona said at the same time, but this only made him roll his eyes.

"In fact, you are a definition of a workaholic," Amanda added further.

"Whatever!" He exclaimed.

Justin knew that it was no use arguing over this.

"Anyway, it's great to meet you, but we have to get going. Our flight is in a few hours. But we should all get together for a proper catch-up at some point." Amanda made a suggestion.

"Without a doubt, I agree with Amanda. You guys are in Pelican City, right? We will be moving there in a couple of months. It will be nice to have a familiar face around. I'd go so far as to suggest inviting Emily as well. It will be interesting to find out what's going on with her." Ethan stated.

"Definitely. That is, if Emily hasn't already killed me." Justin joked.

"I think you will survive." Ethan laughed.

They all said their final farewells, and Fiona and Justin continued walking.

"Ethan seems like an interesting guy." Justin chimed in.

"He is in his own way. He is a very goofy but complete tech-wiz. We had gone on one date when we first started college." Fiona told him.

"You guys did? I was right to think that he likes you." Justin said.

He was a bit envious.

"That date was a riot of hilarity. Honestly, I didn't even feel like we were on a date. It was two friends hanging out, and after that, we became good friends." Fiona told him, "However, Amanda seems interesting. I finally got to meet your ex. It is only fair since you already met mine." Justin chuckled as she grinned with her lips pursed.

"Amanda is way too extrovert for me. I met her through a mutual friend. It was in the early stages of my career. We went out for a year, and during that time, we hardly went on a few dates." Justin said.

"Are you serious?" Fiona asked him, surprised.

"No kidding there. I was way too engrossed in my work at that time to consider anything else. Amanda loves to take spontaneous trips, and she is way too outspoken. It was fun at first, you know, getting to know each other, but then with time, we became more like good friends." Justin elaborated.

"'Good Friends' is because of your workaholic nature. Aha!" Fiona figured something out.

"What?" Justin asked her curiously.

"Cynthia Grams forcefully married you off because either you are awful at being in a relationship because of your workaholic nature, or you like to hide behind work to avoid the dating game," Fiona exclaimed with vigour.

She felt like she had solved a mystery.

Justin looked at her with amusement. "Bit of both, actually." Justin couldn't believe she did of figured him out.

"Really?" Fiona asked like she had won a jackpot. She wasn't hundred percent sure, but it felt nice to gain a better understanding of Justin.

"Yes. To begin with, I am not a workaholic. I work because it keeps me occupied. And I don't like to hide behind it, but sometimes I do use it as an excuse because I never found someone to put some kind of effort for. So, I liked my usual routine, work, eat, sleep and tolerate James from time to time."

"That's interesting," Fiona said with a nod.

"What about you?" Justin asked her.

"What about me?" She asked him back.

"Why did Cecelia grams force you to marry?" He asked her, intrigued.

"It's a multibillion-dollar question. Something I am still trying to find out."

"I think I am pretty sure I know," Justin said thoughtfully.

"Really now?" Fiona asked him curiously.

"Yes! You know, let's go home, and your grandmother will confirm whether I am correct or not." Justin said knowingly.

"Okay then," Fiona said with a smile.

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