Justin spoke. "Stop with those looks. We are both fine, but we must put her on a tight leash."

"Can we do that on a permanent basis?" Daniel suggested.

"Daniel. That is my mom, not a pet." Sarah threw a glare.

Her husband threw up both hands in surrender. "Sorry,"

"Anyway..." Justin emphasized. "You three should go home. I will spend the night with Grams."

"No, Justin. You and Fiona should go home now. Both of you might be tired." Daniel told both of them.

"I am not tired, Dad," Justin exhaled, but his mom supported his father.

"Your dad is right, Justin. When I called in the morning, Fiona informed me that you had pulled an all-nighter. And from the looks of you two, you both need some rest."

"All-nighter?" Justin looked at Fiona with small frown, to which she nodded. She had to lie again on his behalf. What did he do to someone like Fiona? She is something else. "Yes, I did. But I am fine, mom."

"Justin, your Grams already instructed us she that doesn't want you in the room with her at night. So, Daniel will stay with her till her bedtime. She wants to have spend some alone time with her son-in-law."

"Alone time with dad? Are you sure it is safe to leave him with her? They tend to go ballistic with each other." Justin teased.

"I am a grown man, Justin. I can handle that notorious woman just fine. Plus, hanging with me will put some sense into her. So, now you three go home. I will come home by tonight." Daniel assured his son, to which all they nodded.

Once they reached home, Justin escorted Fiona to his room.

"Nice room." When she walked in, she said.

"Sense of déjà vu," Justin commented, which made her laugh. Justin's room looked a lot like hers. There are only a few minor tweaks here and there. While keeping their bags on the side of the door, he said. "This room has turned into more of a guest room than it was."

"Yes, but I like it," Fiona said. After a few seconds, she continued. "I will go down and help your mom." With that, she walked down the stairs in search of his mom.

After a while, even Justin joined her. It was night-time, nine-fifteen, to be exact when Daniel came home. Sarah was about to set a plate for him when he stopped her.

"Mom, I am not hungry."

"Justin, you haven't eaten anything since you got here. You have got to eat something." Sarah insisted, but Justin didn't have the heart to eat.

"Please, mom. I think I will call it a night. The exhaustion is finally settling in." He admitted.

Sarah reluctantly nodded her head and allowed Justin to go to his room. "Okay, but you are not going to sleep without drinking milk. I am not letting you sleep on an empty stomach."


Fiona remained silent the entire time. She could tell he was exhausted.

"Why don't you take a seat, Fiona?" Daniel told her daughter-in-law.

"I think I will go and check on Justin." She told them.

"Christ, Fiona. Don't tell me you aren't eating anything, either." Sarah expressed her displeasure. She will not let any of her children sleep on an empty stomach.

"I don't think I can stomach anything as of now. Today has been a kind of eventful."

"I know that. But..." Sarah knew that arguing with either Fiona or Justin was pointless, so she took a big breath. "I am preparing two glasses of milk. One for you and one for Justin. And no argument."

"Okay. How about I make it? You guys should eat. I will make and get it for Justin." Fiona insisted.

Luckily, Sarah nodded and helped her daughter-in-law so that she could easily navigate her way into the kitchen. However, she made sure that Fiona completed the entire glass in front of her before allowing her to go to Justin's room with his.

Fiona saw him resting on his bed with his eyes closed as she entered his room. She hoped he hadn't fallen asleep yet. She walked towards him and softly called out his name. "Justin,"

"Hmm," he said.

"I have got a glass of milk for you." She stated.

"I don't want to eat or drink anything." Justin turned away from her.

"Justin, you have to drink this. Otherwise, your mother will have your head."

"Fine." In a sour tone, he said.

Fiona kept the glass on the side table near him and went to change her clothes. She brushed her teeth and then came out of the bathroom. Justin had remained in the same position as before, and the glass was the same as before.

"Justin. Get up right now." She spoke to him a little louder than normal. When he didn't respond, she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up.

Justin wanted to laugh at his wife's attempt. "I am stronger and heavier than you, Fi."

"I know, and if so, do you, then get the hell up." She groaned.

"Okay-okay." He surrendered and sat, taking support of head-rest.

"Good. Now you want me to heat it up?" She asked him.

"No. You are way too stubborn." He said while he picked up the glass. "Did you eat anything?" He asked her.

When he noticed Fiona's silence, he warned her. "Don't you dare lie to me."

So she told him the truth. "I wasn't feeling up to it, but your mom made sure that I was filled with a glass full of milk."

"Okay then." He could settle with that.

When he emptied the glass, Fiona was about to take it from him to keep it downstairs. On the other hand, he kept the empty glass on the side table rather than giving it to her. He then leapt onto his feet, grabbed her hand and pulled her into him, embracing her fiercely, his head resting in the crook of her shoulder.

Fiona was stunned by Justin's actions. She remained as still as a rock for a few minutes before wrapping her arms around him.

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