"Three favors. You are going to be my very own genie." Emily negotiated. This made Justin frown at her.

He whispered in Fiona's ear for advice. "Do you think she will negotiate further?"

"Nope. This is the best you are going to get."

Justin gave the nod. He still had Fiona in his arms. He had his face resting on her left shoulder.

"It's a deal," Justin said in agreement.

"You're going to kick yourself for messing with me, Justin. Welcome to your private hell." Emily locked her gaze on him with a smug look.

"Him? He just cost me four more months of Cheerios. This is what I get for saving you." James sighed and rolled his eyes. But, to be honest, the entire scene was ridiculous.

"What about all the time I saved you? Anyway, get her out of here, dude. She terrifies me." Justin pleaded with his best friend.

He had enough of Emily, the psychopath, for a lifetime. He thought that his Grams was a lunatic, but Emily just surpassed that to another level.

"You should be scared," Emily said to him. But before she could say anything further, James dragged her out of Justin's cabin.

Once both their friends were out of the room, Justin carefully examined the area around Fiona's head to make sure there was no trace of Emily or any possibility of her barging back into his cabin. He stayed hidden behind Fi the entire time.

"Emily is not here, Justin." Fiona tried to assure him when she saw Justin's apprehension.

"Are you sure? She didn't leave her soul behind to haunt me, did she?"

This made Fiona chuckle.

"Yes and No. I am pretty sure Emily's soul is now with James."

Justin exhales a sigh of relief. After a few moments, they both realized the position in which they had been standing.

Fiona cleared her throat. "Um, Justin?"

"Hmm?" Justin didn't want to just leave his hold on her yet.

He loosened his grip on her, but didn't entirely let go of her. This gave Fiona a chance to turn around. But, in order to stay on her feet, she had to clutch both of his shoulders.

"I... I should probably, um... I should go back to work now." She stated this nervously.

"What? No." He tightened his grip, bringing Fiona even closer to him than she was before. "What if your maniacal friend comes back? I am not letting you go. You are my safety shield from now on," he told her.

Emily did scare him, but not as much as Fiona leaving him. The feelings he has been developing for his wife are worth all the fear and nightmares Emily will inflict upon him. Especially when Fiona just couldn't stop herself from laughing at his last statement. Her smile is contagious and lovely.

Justin continued, "I underestimated her. She scares the shit out of me."

"Well, you did influence Max. I have to give it to you. The stunt you pulled was epic. Getting Emily riled up is easy, but after what just happened, that is something not many can achieve. You have reached a new level of awesomeness."

"I don't know if that was a compliment or..." Justin was in a dilemma.

"It was me wishing you all the best. You just landed yourself in your own little hell. Granting three wishes to Em? She is going to ask for it when you least expect it." Fiona patted his shoulder in sympathy.

"Crap!" He muttered. "And James is never going to let it go. I just got him to pay for an additional four months of Cheerio's for your best friend."

On the spur of the moment, Justin rested his head on Fiona's left shoulder blade. This made Fiona stiffen.

It might look like Justin was hugging his wife to an outsider, but this was not the case. Fiona did, however, lose her stiffness after a few seconds, which didn't go unnoticed by Justin. He may have been testing the waters, but the connection that he shared and felt with Fiona was way more comfortable than he could have ever imagined.

"On the bright side, you are a free man. For now at least," Fiona tried to steer her feelings.

"That I am." Justin moved his head from Fiona's shoulder. "All Thanks to you. You are an excellent human shield." Justin teased Fiona, which earned him a punch from her.

But their moment was cut short as Justin's phone rang.

"We should get back to work," Fiona said.

"Yes, we should," Justin said after releasing Fiona from his partial embrace. Before Fiona could open the door, Justin called her name, which made her whirl around.

"Fiona, please know that my doors are always open for you. Never, ever hesitate or even think twice about coming here or approaching me." He told her.

Fiona could see he was sincere. In response, she nodded her head with a grateful look.

Justin was sure as hell was not making it easy for her to sustain her decision.

Entangled (Phoenix 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें