Fiona replied with a massive smile on her face, "Now, how can I say no to that?"

James and Justin were stunned to hear what was being said. Both of them expected anything but this, but within a matter of a single second, all their apprehensions were dissipated.

"Really, Aunt Fiona? You will go on a date with me?" A kid's voice cutely asked her.

"Of course, Maxy. I would be a fool to say no to you."

Justin had an amused look on his face until the Maxy kid spoke again.

"Will you be allowed to leave Azkaban by Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

James snorted at this comment. He wanted to burst out laughing, but he was fighting it with his hand. Justin, on the other hand, was baffled. Whereas Fiona was considered, she couldn't help but giggle a little but felt like face-palming herself afterward.

"Maximus Jayden Martin!" The guy on the other end of the phone exclaimed, using his son's full name.

"Aunt Emily told me about the Devil, who has been imprisoning my Aunt Fiona at his place for a long time. But don't worry, I will meet him and tell him to give my aunt back. Aunt Emily says I have a killer smile." Max said cutely.

"Damn you, Emily, for turning my kid into a replica of you." The guy cursed.

"Aw Max, don't worry who-must-not," Fiona pursed her lips when she realized Justin was listening to their conversation, and he had a comical look on his face. "Justin does not force me to live with him. Now, why don't you make a list of things that you want us to do together." Fiona tried to cover the mistake.

"Okay! Love you, Aunt Fi.' Max chirped lovingly.

"Love you too, Maxy," Fiona responded with a warm smile on her face.

"Max, why don't you ask your dearest Aunt Emily to see me now?" The man spoke this time, asking for Emily.

"Okay, daddy." Max then walked away.

"I am going to kill Emily." The kid's father stated.

"Relax, Jake. He is just a kid." Fiona tried to calm him down.

"Still! What kind of aunt teaches her nephew this?" He exasperated.

"Cool one," Emily said, coming on the line with her.

On hearing her voice, James felt something kick inside him. It felt nice. There was something about her that drew him in.

"Anyway. Fiona, are you really free tomorrow?" Jake asked her, ignoring his sister.

"Of course, she is free. That dipshit jerk face is too busy taking care of his ego to remember her existence." Fiona could feel Emily rolling her eyes.

"Emily, he is your boss, and I am sure that the guy is not half bad, if not full. Grams would never do that to our Fi," Jake tried to explain to his sister.

"Well, Grams has gone nuts by ruining Fiona's life. And if he is so nice, then why the hell was Fiona wandering alone in an unknown place during her so-called honeymoon? And not to forget, if Justin is so nice, then her left hand wouldn't be sprained." This made Fiona's head jerk up because she had never told Emily the truth about her hand.

She looked at James, and he mouthed 'sorry' to her.

Justin was at a loss for words because he was not able to comprehend anything. He was confused beyond anything. Fiona tried to grab her phone to have the conversation in private, but Justin pulled the phone closer to him.

"Emily, it was not..."

But her friend cut her off before she could even correct her.

"Fine, maybe spraining of your hand was not, but..." Jake overtook his sister next.

Entangled (Phoenix 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora