"Well, now that is something I cannot argue with you." Justin shook his head sideways, unable to come up with anything else to say. Because of their line of work, they are usually aware of the types of people they are dealing with most of the time. It happens when you frequently meet plenty of new people on a regular basis.

"Anyway, what is your so-called lady friend's name?" Justin asked him while taking a sip from his black coffee.

"I don't know," Oliver said, a blank expression on his face as he realized he had forgotten to ask her name, but it didn't matter. It was not like he was going to meet her ever again.

"Huh! Are you kidding me?" Justin exclaimed with a surprised look. Leave it to Oliver to forget to ask the girl's name, whom he has developed a little crush on.

"No. I never bothered asking. We did not exchange names. She is married, for god's sake! Plus, I doubt we will ever meet again. And to give it a thought, I would have asked her name if you did not message me."

This made Justin roll his eyes. Yeah, blame him for ruining his chance to be friends with a married woman.

"Anyway, that's enough about me. When am I going to meet your wife? It is sad enough that you guys didn't have a proper wedding, but turning your honeymoon into a business trip is even worse. Seriously, dude. What the hell were you thinking? This is a whole new level of being a workaholic. "

"Oliver, we had a hush-hush wedding. I know it was wrong to turn our honeymoon into a business trip, but this deal is very important. And you should know that my wife is extremely supportive of me. Way more than I could possibly imagine. So, to make it up to her, I promised her a proper getaway once everything is settled."

Yes, he is such a jerk for lying so blatantly, especially when the other person is such a good friend of his. But, if given a chance, he would definitely like to take Fiona on a proper vacation once they have a much-needed conversation.

"That is no excuse. We are having dinner tonight, and you better bring your wife with you. I want to meet the girl you have decided to settle down with. It is not every day that 'The Justin Carter' likes anyone, let alone marries one. She has to be special."

"Sure, I am positive that you will like her." He told Oliver casually, but on insight, he was freaking out. He did not want his friend to figure out his messed up marriage.

He really hates his Grams at the moment for making him deal with this kind of situation.

Why couldn't he have a typical grandmother who forced him to go on dates, even blind ones for that matter, or coerce him to meet new girls?

But no! Instead, he got stuck with one who emotionally blackmailed him to get married to Fiona.

Damn the planet for having both of their grandmothers as best friends and abnormal humans in this entire universe.

What on earth were they thinking?

His grandmother, in particular. Playing him like a fool and staging her own poor health to convince him to get married. And his parents, who were way too happy for this marriage to have taken place.

Not a single word against it.

As Fiona worked at Carter's Enterprise, his father knew her well. Whereas his mom was concerned, she has also met Fiona a few times. Both his parents were delighted to have her as their daughter-in-law.

Over the moon, in fact.

Leaving aside the whole situation of being trapped in an unconventional marriage, Justin personally knew that she wasn't a bad person. Based on what he has seen and observed, she is a decent human. She seemed to be a sweet, sincere, and hard-working person. He has only exchanged a few words with her, but that was way before the marriage fiasco was even in the picture.

He really is a jerk for leaving her alone in the room.

He has hardly exchanged any words with Fiona since they got married. Even before that, they only offered brief acknowledgements or professional briefings. God knows what is going to happen at dinner.

Oliver is one of his really good friend. They went to university together and have maintained a strong bond ever since. They have never let their professional or personal relationships get in the way of each other. He will be somewhat surprised if Oliver doesn't suspect anything is wrong between him and Fiona.

On the other hand, Justin did intend to break the silence with Fiona. That is, once his meeting here was settled, but he was not ready to do it now. Maybe when they reach their home, or better yet, when he gathers enough courage to talk to her.

It will be better if she initiates it herself.

He was well aware that he was being a coward about it. But a guy could hope, right? After all, he is only human.

After Justin's brief reunion with his good old friend, he walked into their hotel suite and looked around for Fiona. But she was nowhere to be found. He hesitantly knocked on her door, but there was no answer from the other side. So, without thinking, he went into her room, only to find it empty.

Justin had reserved a premium suite in the Hotel Imperial. It was only a fifteen-minute drive away from the airport. The suite he had booked had two rooms and a living area, which was ideal for their current situation. But Justin was worried right now because he could not find his goddamn wife. He would never be able to live with himself if anything were to happen to her.

It was six o'clock in the evening, and he was about to call her when she entered their suite through the main door.

Just when Fiona set foot in the room, Justin didn't even give her a chance before asking, "Where the hell were you?"

He may have asked her too quickly for his liking. But as soon as he saw her face, that moment was enough to send relief through him. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder about her whereabouts.

His tone, however, was louder than he intended. He realized that when he looked at Fiona's wide eyes. Even though he could see Fiona was not hurt in any way with his own eyes, he could not justify his raised tone.

"I was... Um..." Fiona was struggling to find the right words when Justin cut her off.

"Never mind. My friend wants to have dinner with us tonight. So I will meet you by seven here." With that, Justin left.

More like hurrying from there.

It wasn't polite, and he knew that as well. He didn't mean to interrupt her, but he blurted it out without thinking. There has been far too much silence between them.

How the hell is he supposed to talk to her? What the hell is he supposed to do with her, which won't make him jerk in front of her?

Somewhere in his mind, he knew that he was making things worse for them, but apparently, his actions had been far more impulse-like than they had ever been in his entire life.

Whereas Fiona was concerned, she felt like strangling Justin's neck for good.

Who the hell does he think he is? They are both trapped in this marriage in the same way. But no, he believes that he is the victim here. At the very least, she was not cold with him. Nor was she treating him like an invisible person or dictating him around like a queen.

Emily was absolutely right about him. He is unquestionably a jerk who deserves to have his neck strangulated by her or anyone else, for that matter. She was wrong to give him any kind of benefit of the doubt.

'Damn you, Emily, for ruining my innocent mind.' She thought, but that's what happens when you have a crazy best friend.

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