Happy family, my family, and happiness can't exist in a single sentence nevertheless, in reality. Deprived and empty that's all I felt and I had only emptiness. Crying myself to sleep, hugging the toys my father bought me, I couldn't spend time with him and here he was envious of me. Laughable thought. Perfect portrait, I also yearn to thrash it, break it, shatter its flawless glass to pieces and burn the picture-perfect family image my mother has fabricated over the years. Our perfect family.

I didn't realize I had been laughing like a maniac until he was holding me, softly caressing me there was wetness on my cheeks, tears of happiness or sadness, I couldn't distinguish. I was probably laughing, at myself. He, my best friend was jealous of me because of that. None of that matters, I shouldn't show any weakness in front of him, thus I hastily clear the tears.

"Why now? After three years, you wanted to apologize. After three years... You should have said that earlier why now". My voice echoes in the empty cafe but I don't mind, I want answers. Why now.

His eyes are glistening as he looks at me, he tries to say something but chokes on his words and gulps the water with difficulty. I wait, recollecting the time I had waited patiently on the grass we used to play, in the living room where we used to watch cartoons, on the school playground. I was a stupid child guess I still am.

" I realized, it was all fake, your picture-perfect family was not what it seemed to be. I was a fool, kook. It was too late, I truly, tried contacting you but you avoided me like a plague. You closed your heart for everyone, everyone except for Taehyung", his tears flow unbridled unlike me he doesn't deter them lets them ruin his clothes," I am sorry, Kook. You needed me and I was not there".

I stare at him, as his tears soak his whole face, his quiet sniffles. I had no idea about his parent's divorce. How would I know, these things were not discussed in our weekly dinners. No one considered me important enough, to share this. I learned about that later, months after the occurrence, and wanted to console him but disregarded the pity I felt for him, he had hurt me.

"I didn't know, about...about your parent's divorce". I tell him but he fervently shakes his head. " yeah, I understand. Not a lot of people knew, Your mother knew but she knows everything, anyway. Nothing can stay hidden from Jeons After all, It's not like it would change anything". His words hold hostility not directed at me but the memories of the past.

After some time, we both calm down from the emotional roller coaster and our breath attain stability. He looks at me with affection that was present as we grew up together. I came here with only a single question I wanted to ask so badly What do you want now?

"I am not asking for forgiveness, Jungeuk I just wanted to get rid of the guilt that weighs on my chest. We can have a start over. And we both know, we shouldn't be at each other's throats after all we have to keep healthy alliances to develop our corporation together". And here comes the bitter reality of why we should be acquaintances again but what else, the vulnerability disappears replaced with the same stoic aura I despise. He is right, being successors of our respective corporations it's better to be on favorable terms.

The waiter arrives after an eternity which I am thankful for. He places our drinks, I sip my caramel frappuccino, and he takes the iced Americano and sips it tentatively, and spits it as soon as he took it, mumbling 'how Yoongi can prevail on this drink'. He orders his special marshmallow hot cocoa.

The air encompassing us coats with awkwardness, and sensing that he changes the topic," Kim Seokjin was asking about you?" He said savoring his drink, his brows creasing in confusion," he messed up pretty badly this time".

My fork stills in my hold, gawking at the redhead, he resumes, " terminated the contract with the fellow actress ruining the Best Korean Couple image the Jeon corp. spend creating for months and sending it down the drain". He says somewhat wryly.

I still in a state of surprise don't reply, but Jimin doesn't wait, barrelling on." Your mother invited him for lunch, that's where I met him. Things like this can't be kept away from Jeon's, especially your Mother, she was irritated, anyone else would have been on their knees but he was relaxed". The first part was laced with a grim manner but the other with mild shock.

Your Mother the word rolls from his tongue with defiance quite expected, my mother is feared in the industry specifically in matters handling the interest of the corporation. They fear her because of the power she holds. After all, It's a game of control.

Jin Hyung, with his carefree personality and charisma, is one of the best actors our company has. The cut-to-throat drama industry hasn't affected his character, not yet. I have heard about the rumors but evicted them, 'cuz it's a common occurrence for people to cultivate and unfold baseless things around just for sake of entertainment.

His handsome face and proficient skills can't be undermined. The company will not take any rash decisions, particularly assessing his popularity. Whatever expedition he pulled up will be covered.
We have met occasionally in the grand gatherings and company dinners, and his bizarre cooking recipes even though they always end up in chaos, he has never lost his passion for cooking.

The fact that he had enough courage to end the contract without mother's knowledge is a feat in itself. No one has ever dared to defy her, some have tried but then you have to face the consequences of losing your job, status, and career in the span of seconds. Exceptions are rare as miracles and no blessing on Earth could stop mother's wrath. Jin Hyung won't be an exception, he will pay the price for challenging her, one way or another.


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