45. More Caring Gestures.

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He did. He did leave my hair as soon he threw me somewhere and my eyes shut tightly while I waited my head to hit somewhere but I rested on something soft as feather... A be... Bed!

I opened my eyes as side as they could when I felt something heavy on myself
"No." The whisper left my throat
Why? Why did I slapped him?! Why?

"I am sorry, please no." Miserable and scattered, that's what I felt begging him while he feasted my neck trailing down to my collarbone and cleavage

I struggled to get my hands out his strong grip but failed and I froze as I felt his hand trailing inside my kurti to the hook of my bra
Sanaya Do Something!

"No!" I shouted as I further wiggled under him
"You are at fault doll, you should have listened to me instead of hurting my ego." His words rang in my ears and tears blurred my vision furthermore

I closed my eyes and using all my strength I kicked him off myself and punched him once, twice and thrice on his face and ran out of the room to somewhere and anywhere but I knew, I can't leave the house like what I was, at that point

I felt my breathe uneven, and dark wasn't helping at all. I was nyctophobic from my childhood but also do I know that, light won't help either.

I ran into the kitchen searching for my cell everywhere and I was successful but I heard footsteps away from me... Somewhere near staircase.

I instantly knew that I made a mistake by not locking him and now, I need a place to hide but first I took of my shoes and threw them in the opposite direction from where I stood, a vase fell straight on the floor and I flinched.

I saw and very well heard him moving in that very direction, leaving the staircase vacant and I bolted upstairs to my room and locked the door with a thud and I was aware of him following me

"Open the door bitch!" He bellowed and I sobbed harder and harder while being rational I changed my torn shirt into another decent one and at the same time dialled Ayush bhai's number

Please, answer, please!

"Yes, Sanny." There came a cheerful voice and I felt more sobs building in my throat
"Bhai, please come home. I am stuck." I whispered and tears fell down from my eyes

Bang! Bang!
He can break the door! He can!

"Sanaya, bacche, what happened? Why are you crying?" He questioned and I heard shuffling

"Start the car." He ordered
"Bhai, Vaibhav... He.. " I broke into more curling up in a ball, not wanting let bhai go from the call

"He, what?" His tone remained gentle yet it was dark and menacing
"He is trying to force himself on... M.. me." I whispered

"He what?!"
"Bhai, he.. he is scary, please come home." I begged

Suddenly the banging stopped and I trembled overthinking
"Sanaya calm..." Nothing, I heard nothing the call ended, my cell died and  terror creeped in my system

I felt my breathe getting harsh, the heavy rise and fall of my chest and hard thumping heart made it worse.

I can check? I shouldn't.
Ok, I will just peak out and lock the door again quickly... Very quickly.

Third Person's POV.

"Sanaya, wake up."
Sanaya got up with a jerk and she felt clutches in her throat and she craved for light... The dark in the room made her feel insane.

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