~ that one dream ~

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Y/n pov

I still can't believe I found kurapika onisan. This is weird....I think my brain will explode!. Now I am staring at the floor with a blank face O_o omg I think staring is my bad habit:0
I try to remember what happened to the past 4 years ago. And...I still can't remember anything.

..........then I remember my nightmare before I came here. Maybe it has something to do with that dream....
"Y/n." "Y/n?" "Y/n" "oiiiii y/n"
"Oiiii" I snapped out of my thoughts
"Y-yes?" I replied

"Are you okay? You were staring at the floor quite long.."gon said
"Hahah I am sorry bout that... it's my bad habit.."I laughed awkwardly.
"Are you really okay? You don't look okay to me. Is there something in your mind?" Killua said

".......Can I ask you a question?"I ask
"Yeah sure y/n San!"-gon
"Is........that blonde guy really kurapika?".
".......hahahahahahhahah that's a weird questions " killua laughed.
"Hey! But..it is a weird question"I sweat drop.

"It is kurapika y/n san, why you ask?"gon said.
"I......I just can't believe he's here.."
"Can you tell us your childhood story?..if you remember"they ask.
"I....I remember a little I guess .
Everything is happy back then. My life is very perfect and all....but then... something unexpected happen to my family and everyone else.

The scene of my family died.... there's a pool of blood everywhere.my head is spinning like crazy....I can't take it anymore. ..............................."y/n San!".I didn't realize that...
I,m already unconscious .the scene keep repeating in my head......

Gon pov

My eyes widened same as killua"y/n" "Y/n San!" I was shocked that she suddenly faint like that.
Then kurapika and leorio finally arrived "kurapika! Leorio!" They come towards us "what happened to y/n!"kurapika quickly come to y/n and touch her forehead. Kurapika look so worried about her sister how cute^_^

"I think she have fever"kurapika said.
"Really"leorio touch y/n forehead.
" Wait a second gon can I have my suitcase"leorio ask. "Here" I handed him the suitcase. Then leorio take out a cold fever? And he put the cold fever at y/n forehead.

"She will be fine maybe she's tired she should rest a bit" leorio said. Fuhhh she's fine, nothing serious bout it. But I still was worried about her.

Killua pov

Sigh'thank god she's okay I was a little worried- eh! What am I talking about?
Why should I worried about her?ceh
Not like.. I like her or something but..maybe? Ish shut up! I accidently slap myself.."killua you okay dude why your face red and you were... slapping yourself? Don't tell me you have a fever too!"leorio said.

My face heated up even more"what me? Have a fever pfft are you kidding me" I look away not wanting to look at the old man. "Oh- or maybe....you thinking about y/n~" he whispered to me while wiggling his eyebrows. OH MY GOD LEORIO. I hate him..
I blushed then I give that old man a death glared. "Tsk I,m not thinking bout her!" I whispered yelling.

"Hahah just playing with ya"he ruffled my hair. And yes...I should kill him soonಠಗಠ.

No one's pov

"What should we do when the phase is starting ?" Leorio said
"Is it obvious leorio? I have to carry her not leave her behind.besides I,m her brother anyway"kurapika said
"Aww how caring you are kurapika"-oreo

"Of course I am leorio she's my sister. who's brother not caring her ownnn sisterr?"-pika
"Yeah yeah"

Kurapika pov

Y/n must be really tired...
I stared at her, it's been so long since I see her face 4 years ago .I smiled.
I,m glad I still have y/n. There's so many questions I want to ask her about the past . I hugged y/n. *I,m going to protect you...y/n.*

Unknown pov

What was happening there? Is that her brother?...wait she has a brother? Just like me...I,m quite jealous of her because her brother cared about her. while my brother...... nevermind there's no time to think about that.

I,m not pretty sure he's her brother or not but... they're face look alike.

Let's forget about that blonde dude my target is her.


"Finish her _______".then he left to go to the others "Ok onisan"
"Goodbye" I was about to kill her mother then. "Y/n! Go away from-
I killed her. I look at her. I was about to come to her but there's no use..she runs away...and- "______come here our work is done"onisan called me.

"Onisan! But there's one more that we missed but.. she escaped already-"
"Forget about her now maybe soon we could capture her"

*.✧flashback end's *.✧

"Oi _____~ what are you thinking bout~". *Ugh I can't believe onisan tell him to look after meh aarrarhg*
"What do you want hisoka?"
"Nothing just asking ~". I rolled my eyes. What the fork! he's soo annoying!! Help meh nisann(╥﹏╥)


[A/N: ohm hii there reader! Sooo I just wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for reading my cringe book. I hope you enjoy reading this horrible story haha and again  thanks♥️

 I hope you enjoy reading this horrible story haha and again  thanks♥️

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