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y/n pov

"Onisan! Look at this! This flower is so pretty!"y/n said while pointing at the white flowers. Kurapika come towards you. "Wahh it is pretty"kurapika said touching the flower. "Kurapika! Come here for a second!" Okasan said. "Oh ok!". Then kurapika leave you alone.

*I think I want to make a flower crown for onisan, pairo, Oh and also okasan and otosan!hehe*I said in my mind.

After making the flower crown you decided to go to them. "Lalalala~ lalala~~" you were walking excitedly with a basket full of flower crowns.
"Onisa-".....your eyes widened,you look at the scene with a horror looks.
There's a pool of blood everywhere in the village and your family all ...died.

"KURAPIKA! EVERYONE!". I wake up from my horrible dreams. "H-huh" i didn't notice I was crying. My tears streaming down on my face. "I-its just a dream" . And yes you are homeless.you sleep at the top of the tree. I try to calm myself,after a few minutes i calm and try to forget that dream.

"Sigh' onisan i really miss you so much.i,m all alone right now" I talk to myself . "Welp time to search for breakfast"I jump of the tree and run to the village near the woods.
Then a little bird come to me and landed on my hands. 'huh weird? This bird always came to me all the time'i thought. "Oh hello there birdie" I smiled. The bird fly away.

"I think I want to eat a fish today"I said and start to walk to the sea or river? Idk. While I,m walking I see a sign board that caught my attention.
And there many people were reading the sign board to. I tried to read it *what so interesting there?*
"Hunter exam?" Then I read the information. "Hmm I think I want to participate the hunter exam! Seems kinda fun!"

'grrrrwwwww" your stomach make weird noise. everyone look at you. "U-uhm sorry" *ahhhhh this is embarrassing!* I cupped my red face and walk away from there. "I should eat first I,m so hungryyyy"

After I eat I go back to my tree ahaha that tree is like my home now.
"Oh I almost forgot about the hunter exam! I can't wait!".* I feel sleepy hmm gonna take a nap for a minute*
Then you fell asleep.

[A/N: you were wearing a kurta uniform but you can change it your decision (^^)]

Kurapika's Beloved Sister*.✧. | {HXH X READER}~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt