~~hunter exam!~~

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Y/n pov

"Huaaaahhhhh"I wake up. "What!? It's already morning!? Hmm what should I do-  ouh! The hunter exam! Gosh I almost forgot about it! I should get ready". ~~"hunter exam here I come!" I jump of the tree and run as fast as i can to the hunter exam ships.

A few minutes later you arrive at your destination.i enter the ship. *Why everyone is looking at me is something wrong?* I said in my mind.
"Hey you! Little girl" one of the man said. "Who me?" I said pointing at myself. "Yes you". "What is it?" I said.

"You should go back a little girl like you shouldn't be here you would die in a minute" then they started laughing,I guess he underestimate me tsk.   I take my knife and pointed at his neck . "You.... don't underestimate me just because I,m a girl ,it doesn't mean all girls are weak some of them are strong for example like me".

They want to punch me but they immediately stop when they see my eyes turned into deep scarlet.

I put away my knife and walks away from the group of old man. "Jeez what a troublesome". I look at the beautiful scene of the blue sea and it relax me.
"Sigh' this is gonna be a longgggg day .
I wish my family was alive again I really miss them but that's not going to happen anyways whatever". *Ugh y/n stop thinking about them they're already died there's no hope*

*I feel really empty and sad right now....why things getting so much worse ? It's nothing interesting in my life....I -its really boring without no one I love around me.* *Ok stop y/n just forget about that and start a new life* "sigh' "

Suddenly i started to feel like I,m being watched by someone,I tried to look around the ship but nobody even looking at me ? But what is this strange feeling.....I,m uncomfortable.

unknown Pov

Tiiitt tittt titt' I take my phone and answer the phone. '-------' are you still follow her?" . "Yes onisan" I said.
"Ok good job,now I want you to just keep spying on her ". "Ok nisan"
He ended the call. "She's seems kinda interesting" I said while smirking.*I will take of your beautiful scarlet eyes of yours soon~ heheh*

Y/n pov

"You little girl come here" the captain said . I come towards him ,then I see a girl around my age too . She has a black hair and also a black eyes.

I look around to see the others already passed out because of that little tsunami earlier I guess?.only me and that girl who is standing right now.wow.

"So you two what is your name and why do you want to become a hunter?".   "My name is y/n, I don't want to become a hunter though I,m just bored and don't know what to do with my life soo I participated the hunter exam."

"Oh ok then, you ?".
"I,m alis I came here because I want to fulfill my mission and its a secret mission so don't ask about it.and also I don't want to become a hunter. I have something important to do". She said.

"Ok then that's all congratulations,you two pass the first hunter exam good luck on your journey! Kiddos" then the captain leave you alone with alis. I smiled and turn to look at alis."hii I didn't see you earlier_".

"Tsk it's none of your business" she walks away. "Jezzzzz she's really rude whatever".

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