~next phase~

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Y/n pov

After leorio explaining who the next prisoner was and tell killua not to fight him because his worried I guess? But I,m okay with it! I mean.. killua's an assassin and I believed he will win as fast as possible.

And I was right! He just take his heart out and hold it😮. We gasped shocked at killua's action. "Wow!" I said with amazement. "G-give me back" and he died. So we win! Hooray!.

Uhm so...what am I gonna do in this room?. Yeah..we have to wait fifty hours in this room now..what should we do??.

( Tiiiiiiiiiiimeeeeeskipppoooo✨)

"Oh my god! We finally finish this third phase."I said sigh in relieved.
"You know there's still a few phase to finish " killua smirked. "Yeah I know.. hmm why do you have to remind me that now" I glared him. "Just ruining your relieved time~" he makes a cat face. "Seriously?" "Heheh"

"Y/n!!!" I turned around to see alis comes towards me and tackle me into a hug. "Alis!!" I hugg her back."jezz enough hugging her!"killua said."why? Can't I hugg my best friend?"alis say glaring at killua. "When did you guys were bestfriends huh!?". "Guys please stop this." "Fine!" Killua walk of to gon . "so how was the third exam alis!" I said, we both broke the hug.

"It was okay. But yeah hisoka's with me in this phase so it's kinda annoying me a little bit but it was fine! How about you?"alis said. "Uh heheh uhm long story short it was...idk what to say(⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)".
"It's okay I knew it was terrible because..ehem that person who give orange soda. You know what I,m talking about right?". I sighed and nodded. "I knew it"

"This third phase is now over"
The door open and we get to get out of this freaking trick tower that I hate."You can take off the sticker from the card now". I ripped the sticker and I see the a number on the card '406' I wonder who this is? Oh wait! I quickly grabbed my badge and hide it in my pocket because I don't want anyone knows my badge number.
The fourth phase was to get the target   badge number or you can get other than the target if you want.

After beans explain this fourth phase
I go sit down somewhere and keep staring at the oceans. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath 'this is so relaxing ' I thought. "Boo!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGH!!!....heh?" . "Pft- HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!"
"You idiots!! Don't scare me like that! I almost fell of this ship and drown you know!" I said glaring at gon and killua. Killua and gon sit next to me I was in the middle.

"Heheh sorry y/n!" Gon said.
"Heh so if you drown you can swim and go back to this ship right?"killua said. " are you kidding me?.......I can't even swim.". " .   .   . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" they both laughed.

"Shut up you dumbass!!" I looked away embarrassed. "Hey guys!!" Alis say while coming at us and she sit beside gon."oh hi alis!"gon say. "Ugh you again" killua said annoyed at alis. "What do you mean 'you again'?" Alis glared at killua. "Whatever". "Tch'what a jerk"alis say under her breath . "What did you say?". "Nothing  albino". "You!-". "guys!enough fighting already were friends right!" I said a little bit annoyed at these two.

"Yeah I am your 'friends' y/n but this creature showed up on us in a random time!!"-killua
"Gasph' Who are you calling me a 'creature' huh!? You stupid bish(⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ" -alis
"Me stupid bish? No you are the one! You daughter of a bish!!ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ"- killua.
Gon just sweatdrop hearing them fighting eachother and cursing.
My bangs cover my eyes as I stand up. They shut up and look at me.

"If you guys don't stfu I will throw you in this deep Ocean and drown you both and die and-" "woah woah calm down y/n " gon stand up trying to calm me down. I take a deep breath. "Sigh' thank gon" I look at killua and alis , they're eyes widened after hearing that I,m cursing." Oh my god I,m sorry I didn't mean to, god please forgive me! I hope kurapika doesn't hear that I say a bad word!"

"Calm down y/n kurapika is not here!"
Gon said. "Fuh okay." I sit down same as gon." I see..so you're not used to cursing so much am I right?" Alis say.
"Yes that's right.but when I want to curse my brother look at me and give me a death stare sometimes!".
"Ouhh that's suck hisoka always curse in front of me so I,m used to it"alis said. Me killua and gon sweatdrop. Why I am not surprised by that:⁠0.

"Uhm soo what number did you guys draw?" Killua said."It's a secret" me and gon said. Everyone went silent but then we laugh a bit. "Don't worry non of you are my target" killua say. "You guys aren't mine either!" Gon say. "Same" . "What about you alis?" Gon ask her. "U-uhm yeah same"
We nodded a little bit suspicious on alis. "How about we show our cards at the same time-"

"actually I gotta get going now! Uh hisoka text me to meet him quickly so byee!" Alis stand up quickly and ran away from us. "What was that about?" I said confused. "Don't you think alis is .... suspicious to you guys?" Killua said to me and gon. "Well I think alis is okay?" Gon said while I nodded. "But I,m not so sure about that".
" I don't think I trust that girl"killua say. "Hm..maybe we can give her another chance to trust her. She seems nice to me after all" I say.

"Hm fine I guess.. but I keep an eye on her just incase she betrayed us or whatever she might do to us" killua said and gon nodded in agreement.
"Hmm..okay then if you want."

"By the way this is my target" I show them my card. "Do you know who's this person?". "He or she came before I came in to the hunter exam site because my number is 407 and my target is 406" . "Yeah. I don't know who this is" killua said "same" gon respond. "Hm this must be a hard target to find. Show me your card I want to see!"

They're show me the cards, killua's target number is '199' and gon is '44'.
"Wait..44?"my eyes widened I remember who that was "seriously? You have a bad luck"killua say."hm yeah 😔". Poor gon'. I wonder who Alis's target is..

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