No. I am not gonna see anybody, I assure myself, as I walk across my room. He's playing me-

Everest Jones is standing outside of the left side of my big manor. Beneath my window.

I do drop my phone now. He's insane. He's stupidly insane and I don't think he really realises what he's doing here.

"Are you crazy?" I whisper-hiss as I step out onto the balcony and he tucks his hands into his pockets, hood over his head. The moon enlightens his sharp features when he looks up to me with a smile. I'm a few levels up so he has to crane his neck back.

Oh my god. He's at the manor. Here. This is way too far. If anybody finds out, I'll be buried alive and they'll send him to juvie again. But Mr Everest over here, looks like he doesn't have a care in the freaking world.

"For you." He kicks a rock and grins, "Crazy for you, sweet Violet Amory. Hey, what's the shit that Romeo says in the balcony scene?"

"You haven't read that yet?!" I exclaim, "The test's tomorrow and that's one of the first scenes."

He gets on one knee, completely ignoring me and raises a dramatic hand, "It is the north and Juliet's-"

"Quiet." I hiss, scouring to make sure nobody's around. The pool's right behind him and sometimes Grayson goes for night swims. I don't even understand how he got in here-

He lowers his voice, still smiling, "It is the north and-"

"East." I correct.

"It is the east and Juju is the son." He smiles like he's real proud of himself.

Did he just call Juliet juju.

"Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon-" He continues dramatically, still on one knee as I look down to him, a little laugh spurting from him when his eyes catch the floor, "Aw. There's a puddle of water that looks like your little face, Vy. Look."

"Everest." I urge him to look up at me and he swings his head up, "You can't be here. Seriously. Please, you have to go."

He frowns, "But I don't want to."

I brace my hands on the balcony, the pool's water reflecting on the both of us in the quiet night air, "But you need to."

"But I came all this way. You owe me, Violet Fawn. I spilled punch over this girl all because of you. And she was nice so I feel bad." He looks at me accusingly, "But not as bad as you should feel."

I run a hand across my forehead, "What are you talking about?"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you can't turn me away. Juju didn't turn away Romeo. I'm guessing, I dunno. I really need to start reading that shit." He lifts from his knees and then just plants himself, right there on the floor. Legs crossed like this is the most casual thing, head arched back to look at me.

He smiles this sort of soft smile and I wonder if he knows how weakening that can be, "Come down to me."


I'm more hesitant than I've ever been with him. There's no security cameras around this side of the manor but around every other corner, there is. If anybody wakes up and sees him in our house, the amount of trouble he could get into would be bad. Bad bad. It's making me nervous.

"Violet." He whispers back, in this sweet tone, half mimicking me.

Ugh. I look around and then look back into my room. I glance down to him again and point, "Five minutes. And then you have to leave."

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now