Dock 1/ The Shipwrights / Merry can no longer go?

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Kaku: "Hm? Iceberg-san? Are you a customer?"

They gave him Kokoro's letter.

Kaku: "Oh, I see. This is a reference letter from Granny Kokoro at Shift Station, huh?"

Luffy: "Hm? Are you an old guy?"

Kaku: "I'm 23."

Usopp: "23... You talk like an old man."

Kaku: *Laughs* "People often tell me that."

Y/N: "So do you know this ice person?"

Kaku: "Know him? Well, Iceberg-san is the mayor of Water Seven."

Luffy: "Whoa... So he's that high up?"

Kaku: "Not only is he the mayor, he's the president of our company, Galley-La Company, and he also manages the sea train."

Usopp: "So he's the most powerful guy in town?!"

Kaku: "Well, in Water Seven, there's no one who doesn't know him."

Nami: "Where do we have to go to see him?"

Kaku: "Hmm, I wonder where he is right now. He can be hard to find, since he's a very busy person."

Nami: "Oh... Can't you get in touch with him or something?"

Kaku: "That's probably possible, but... Are you in a hurry?"

Nami: "It's not that we're in a hurry, but..."

Kaku: *Laughs* "In short, you want to talk about having your ship repaired, right? Where did you anchor your ship?" He asked while taking the belt with his tools, before stretching his legs.

Usopp: "Rocky cape."

Kaku: "Well then, I'll go run and check the condition of your ship. It'll save some time when you see Iceberg-san. You can talk about the repair fee, too."

Y/N: ""Go run"...? On a Yagara bull?"

Kaku: *Laughs* "If I do that, you'll grow tired of waiting. Well, just wait for ten minutes."

Nami: "Ten minutes?"

Kaky: "That's right. Ten minutes." He said while getting in position and sprinting off at incredible speed.

" He said while getting in position and sprinting off at incredible speed

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Luffy: "Whoa!"

Y/N: "Holly shit!"

Usopp: "He's fast!"

Kaku reached the wall before jumping up.

Y/N: "NOOO!!! USOPP!!! THAT'S A CLIFF!!" He yelled while comically worried.

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