~Chapter Five~

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Evening had set in and shops, stalls and other businesses were trying to close for the day's work. It left Jay wondering how long he had been in that strange place with the woman.

Everything around him looked normal but no one knew what had happened right under their noses. He wasn't surprised at all when he looked at his hand and couldn't find any bruise. He knew from the start that she was no one ordinary.

She had offered to take him directly to his house but he declined, insisting that his house was around the corner and he would soon get home.

When they had stepped out of the wall, the men where no longer in sight. It was like nothing had happened. He asked her but she just shrugged it off and told him not to think about. The only thing he saw was his backpack that he dropped when the rogues had tried to kill him. He picked it up and headed home.

As he hurried on to get home, he passed by the bus stop where he had got off to chase the girl in the hoodie. He had also asked the messenger about it and she told him that it was just a ploy to get his attention.

He thought of what they had discussed about, but didn't understand anything. He had always knew that he was a little special but didn't think it'll be something like this.

But there was something that he had forgotten to ask her about. Who were they actually up against? Who will they protect the power she had talked about from? When will it all start? How would he find the kids that were part of all this?

Lots of thoughts swam through his head and he couldn't think straight anymore. He suddenly had a severe headache and had to clutch his head for few minutes before he continued to walk slowly home.

He was grateful when he got home in one piece. He was puzzled when he tried to open the door but found it locked. There was no reason for the door to still be locked, unless no one was back.

He unlocked it anyways and walked in. He threw his bag away and it landed on the nearest couch. He couldn't care less, he just wanted to get rid of the sharp pain in his head.

He went straight to the pantry. Sometimes mom kept some drugs there. After few minutes of rummaging through the store, he found the painkillers and took them immediately with the cup of water he had gotten earlier.

He walked back to the sitting room and fell on the couch. He decided to take a nap.

Just before sleep took him, he looked at his wrist watch and saw that it was already six pm. What was keeping Nick and Anna?


The school halls were crowded with students. Everyone trying to find their way out. Some standing close to the wall and discussing while some others were at their lockers, taking or keeping whatever they wanted.

Nick and his classmates had decided that they were going to a birthday party at 3 pm, so they all agreed to gather at the basketball court.

Immediately the school bell was heard, Nick and a few friends filed out of the class and headed for the basketball court.

Kim's best friend Luna was the birthday girl. They had been waiting for the birthday to come and had made lots of plans for it.

Anna's boyfriend, Tom was also going so Anna had agreed to come too.

When they got to the court, Kim and Luna were already there with some of her friends. Nick sauntered off towards Kim and gave her a very long kiss amidst the cheers that erupted.

A little while later, Anna came in with Tom and few other friends. The basketball court had filled up with lots of students who were eager to go to the party.

Crazy Surge -(ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora