~Chapter Three~

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Without anyone telling him, Jay knew that this mystery girl actually heard him but didn't want to stop. And he could swear to anything given to him that this was no ordinary girl.

But her personality wasn't what he cared about, all he wanted was to retrieve his wallet. Pictures of those who were dear to him was stored inside and some of which he wouldn't be able to get another if he ever lost it and some other important things he couldn't also afford to lose.

He kept on moving and despite the crowd blocking his way, he still pushed forward, not letting the thief out of his sight.

He continued to follow her and was closing the distance but the girl turned into an empty street and he sprinted faster than before, not wanting to lose her. He cursed silently as he kept panting heavily.

He got to the empty street and saw her running. He also picked up the pace. If only the poor girl would understand that he just needed the important things in his wallet, nothing more. He didn't need the money.

Something told him that the girl was probably hungry or needed some money and had to steal to get it. Thinking about it, if his theory was true then he had to catch up with her to make her understand that he didn't need the money.

He saw her turn and run into an alleyway, still cursing under his breath, Jay ran faster and entered the alleyway.

He looked forward and saw that there was a wall at the end of the alley. A smile formed on his lips, because he knew that the wall would slow her down if at all she knew how to climb.

The girl had already gotten to the wall, and was trying to climb it. Jay slowed down a little and called after her again.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you.... Plea....Please I just need the pictures and other important things inside the wallet....... Yo....You can take the money but please just give me the pictures.

His run had reduced into jogging as he approached the wall.

He was loss of breath from running and was really tired. He just wanted to end this. The girl stopped midway up the wall and looked back at him, he saw something cross her features which he assumed to be remorse but it quickly faded. He stopped running and stood with expectation that she'll pity him and give him what he asked for.

But to his dismay, the girl, In a swift movement had jumped over the wall. He mentally slapped himself for even thinking that she'll pity him. He made the mistake of stopping and now he didn't know if he'll be able to catch up with her again.

Why did he even think that she'll believe him, after all, she was only but a thief

He started running again and got to the wall. But as he was about to climb, he felt something swish through the air and struck the wall beside him. Surprised, he turned and saw a small knife, that had pierced the wall.

Slowly he turned back and found a lot of angry faces with clubs and knives. Men with bulky and hefty bodies filed out of the two buildings.

Fear gripped Jay as they began to close in on him. He started going backwards until his back hit the wall. Unable to escape this, he decided to try and reason his way out.

"Guys, guys I'm sorry if I disturbed you with my yelling, I was chasing someone... A girl actually who stole my wallet."

The men didn't even stop their approach as they continued to move closer. Like hunters hunting their prey, they closed in on all angles not leaving any way for escape.

Jay continued to explain and plead as he wished the wall would open and swallow him in. But all his pleas fell on deaf ears because they had finally closed up on him.

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