The birthday girl had insisted that they all wait till it was time to go. So they waited for a few more minutes until it was finally time to go. The students moved out of the court and everyone found their ride.

Luna's house wasn't far from the school, so they got there in no time. Luna had announced that her parents had given her the house to celebrate her birthday as they weren't going to be home for it.

She was an only child, so her parents treated her with excessive care. They pampered her a lot. She got all she wanted without stress. So she adopted a lavish lifestyle and spent money anywhere she could.

The house was exquisite. Just by looking at the outdoor surrounding one could tell that the owners of this house were people of high social class. The cars pulled up in the garage and everyone stepped out. The exterior design was perfect as the decorations also stood in place.

The party was to be held at the pool, so everyone gathered around the pool and took in the breathtaking view. The pool reflected the sun and gave out a beautiful shade that accentuated the richness of the mansion they found themselves in.

Without wasting time, the party started in full swing. Drinks were passed around. Some students had already worn their swimming suit and dived into the pool. One of the students had offered to stand in as the DJ of which Luna agreed.

After few minutes of setting up, he started playing. The music wafted through the loudspeakers and it helped to ease the mind of those who were uncomfortable. Before long everyone started to dance to the tune of the music.

Luna had invited some of her close friends inside the mansion that including Kim, Nick and even Anna and Tom. They've all been friends ever since their freshman year.

The lighting inside the building was colorful and less bright. A different kind of music was playing inside the mansion and every sound that was made outside couldn't come through, due to the presence of soundproof drywall.

Nick sat with the boys on the couch as they talked about something or clearly someone, but his mind wasn't there. All he could think about was Kim, he just wanted to take her to somewhere quiet and kiss her brains out.

But it couldn't happen because she was in the kitchen with Luna doing God knows what. He sighed as he kept thinking about it, only if he could steal her away from there.

Zack who noticed him staring at the kitchen, playfully hit him hard on the arm. Nick turned sharply "What the hell was that for?" He asked while the other guys looked at them, not understanding what was going on.

Zack laughed out "come on man, I saw what you were doing"

"What did he do?" Someone asked

"He kept staring at the kitchen, and we know what that means" Zach dragged.

"That means he's missing his little baby" another finished and the laughter followed made Nick to temporarily hate Zack.

"Is it that bad? It's really not my fault and I can't seem to do anything about it" Nick admitted.

"Yeah, we understand. That's just how it is when you're in love" Zack smiled and touched him on the back. This time it was a gentle pat. 

Nick sighed again and turned fully to the guys. He just had to wait a few minutes more. Any slightest chance he got, he wouldn't hesitate to use it. So They continued to chit chat until someone asked a question.

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the question. It had come from Wally. No one had heard his question.

"What did you say Wally?" Zack asked

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