Chapter one

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I found the cover art on pintrest, the watermark says its by PichiiParu

Hey everyone before i begin I just wanna say this is my first fanfic and I've never written an x reader before. Hope you like it and feel free to post any constructive criticism in the comments. The reader will be treated as they/them but feel free to change them.

Tws: mention of burn injury and face scars (If I've missed anything then tell me and I'll update it)

Chapter one
The smell of an open book


I'd say my favourite thing about being a part of this coven is that i get to practice all types of magic." I say to the small crowd of Hexide students. They're wearing that familiar one peice uniform. I remember when I wore that same uniform, the pale blue of the illusion track never really suited me.

Did I regret my time there? Yes, yes i did. I'm not going to tell that to these kids, looking at them hexide is probably the last option they have. It's a crowd of drozy faces. I can see my words of wisdom have left them in a daze. I was never one for listening to speeches either but these kids need to learn a poker face, it's insolent how bored they look.

Today Emperor Belos has tasked me with visiting these establishments and tell the students why they should join the emperor's coven. I couldn't think of a higher honor, but clearly these students are too invested in their own social lives to care. Evidently I've got to add some flair to this talk-

"Could I get a crowd volenteer?" I ask, the hand of a green haired girl shoots up. At least someone seems to have been listening.

"Yes you, could you come up to the stage?" I ask. The stage in question is just a ton of tables with a cloth over them. The girl seems excited, her uniform is pink, i think that was the abomination track. Secretly, I am grateful someone agreed to this. She looks fairly nervous until a pink haired witch in the potions track cheers her on. I sense the girl stiffen, trying to act brave but she's still tense. I think- I think she doesn't want to mess this opportunity up, she wants to show me she'd make a good candidate for the coven.

"You'll be fine," I reassure her quietly, smiling under my raven mask, "What's your name?"
"Amity." She says this with a certain strength, as if my words resonated with her.
"Alright Amity. You study the abomination track?" it's more of a rhetorical question but she nods anyways, cracking a shy smile, "could you create an abomination, anything you can think of."

She nods, focusing intently as she conjures up a sleek whiskered cat. It rubs its head against her leg, purring.
"What's their name?" I ask. I'm trying to stay confident but I've never been good at public speaking and suddenly with more eyes on me at last... I'm terrified. I can't ruin this for the emperor. Hexide is the last school, if i can get through this I'm on break for the rest of the day. I can do this.

"Casper?" She's probably confused that I got her to name it. I don't know why I asked either. I pick the cat up with my left hand, shuddering, I don't like the purple goo it's texture is all wrong, How Darius can wear his hair like that is anyone's guess.

This cat reminds me of my old palisman, he was also a cat. Charm, i named him. The emperor took him when I joined the coven, i know they're made from wild magic and I should hate them for that but... but I still miss Charm sometimes.

I hold them up for the crowd to see, my right arm hangs limply at my side, before using illusion magic to transform them into a lookalike of a real cat. I place them on the floor. All but the illusion students are impressed. Even so, I'm fairly satisfied with this demonstration. Maybe I could take it further.

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