6) Days In The Life

Start from the beginning

"Ah..." You looked at the desk again and sighed. "Shit."

Not wanting to own up due to embarrassment, you decided to just get the desk inside and regret it later. It required quick and quiet work but you managed it. The stairs were the hardest part and you wished the place had an elevator.

"God... Damn... Desk."

It took almost ten minutes to reach your floor. You all but kicked in the door to the apartment, shoving the desk inside. You could hear the owner complaining through the window but simply closed it. This wasn't the first time you'd accidentally stolen furniture and it was extremely awkward when they turned out to have other owners. But when you leave something in the street unattended for minutes at a time, you can't expect someone not to steal it.


It was about four in the afternoon and right on time.

You glanced out your window and saw the Parkers pull up in Ben's car. It was his day off and he was bringing Peter back from school with May. As they filed out and headed for the building's main door, you quickly grabbed a jacket and your keys and made yourself look like you were leaving.

You waited by the door and pressed your ear against the wood, hearing three pairs of feet make their way up. You waited until they reached your door and then abruptly opened it, surprising most of them.

"Oh!" You gasped, putting on a startled expression. "I'm so sorry. I'm in a bit of a rush."

"Don't worry about it." May quickly assured, a hand on her chest as she recovered from the scare.

Peter was holding her other hand, half hidden behind his aunt as he looked at you with curious and wide eyes. Ben looked at you too, giving you a quick smile.

"You must be the neighbor we never met." He said.

You smiled in response. "That would be me. Ellen Campbell."

"Ben Parker. This is May and our nephew, Peter." He greeted.

"It's a pleasure. Sorry I never got to introduce myself before."

"You must be very busy." May said. "I thought there was a hurricane indoors."

You chuckled. "Again, sorry."

Remembering the plan, you bent down a little so you could speak to Peter face-to-face. He didn't seem to recognize you from the Expo the year before which was good. You had a plan if he did but thankfully it wasn't necessary.

"Hey, Peter."

He looked at May and Ben for permission to talk and they said it was okay so he moved from behind May to say hi.

"Hello, Ellen."

His voice was timid but cute and it made your smile soften. "So where did you come from just now?"


"Ah, I remember school." You shuddered, making him laugh. "What grade are you?"

"Fifth grade."

You raised a brow, nodding in approval. "You're pretty old then."

"No! I'm almost eleven."

You laughed with his aunt and uncle, raising a hand. "My bad."

"He's a smart one." Ben said proudly, ruffling Peter's hair. "Probably knows more than me."

"Oh, yeah?" You turned to the boy a second time. "What's your favorite subject?"

"Science." He answered without hesitation.

"Ooh, nice choice. Can you tell me some properties of matter?"

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