Little peggy x daddy's steve and bucky

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Peggy carter was a girl with many secrets like she was A classified little and that she lied and faked a lot that was until she met Steve Rogers her hole world turned up Side down with them as Peggy was braking in the new recruits for Colonel Phillips she felt like she was being watched by some scrawny skinny guy who she knows is a caregiver and then Colonel Phillips walks over and say agent carter good to see breaking in the new recruits and then Peggy says sir that's my job and as the week went on she felt like was in love with the small scrawny guy and then a week later she had to take him to get the serum and she sat next to him talking about dancing and Peggy opens up a pill bottle and shoved a headspace repressing pill in her mouth and she swallowed it and Steve say's might I ask what did you just take and Peggy say's it was a vitamin and Steve nods knowing the truth and then Peggy says oh look like we're here after Steve got the serum Peggy slipped into headspace a little and Steve noticed her words were slurred and then she was talking a little lisp and then when they guy from hydra started shooting Peggy took the first chance and ran out the guy with her gun and then Steve says little one are you crazy you could get seriously hurt and then Steve run's after the guy and then Peggy and Steve met again when he was doing a uso tour and then Steve say's you know there is no shame in being a little and Peggy say's but I have to be a grown-up not baby and then Steve ran to the Colonel tent after what Peggy told him that his audience was it was left 101 and after after that Peggy and Howard had a plan and right before Steve jumped Peggy say's Steve I want to ask you pwease be careful fors me and Steve kisses Peggy's forehead and says I know babygirl I will be back with your daddy ok and then Peggy say's otay and then Steve jumps out of the plane and then a few hours later she was helping Colonel Phillips write i'm sorry for your loss letter's and then Peggy hears commotion going on and she and The Colonel and a whole bunch of people walk towards the front of the camp and they see Steve leading a hole bunch of men and Peggy could fell her self slip and then Steve say's peg this is my friend Bucky and Steve notice is Peggy spacing out and Steve says Peggy you ok and then Peggy makes grabby hands to Steve and say's dada and Steve takes her to his tent and Peggy says papa and Bucky say's yes i am your papa and then Colonel Phillips say's well well I knew something was always off about you carter and Steve say's if you send her back I am going to she is now mine and Steve's little so there is nothing you can't do about that and then a few months later Peggy had to go on a mission with Steve and Bucky to find dr Zola and Peggy was standing and next to Bucky when the side of the train was blown off and Peggy started to stress slip then and Peggy started crying and say's dada and Steve run's there trying to pull Peggy and Bucky up but before he could he see's Bucky and Peggy fall and then a few months after that Steve did that I'll fated mission and thought he was going to join Peggy and Bucky but he was wrong 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 Steve woke up and run's out of a building and gets chased and then he see's a man with a eye patch and then another year later Steve was captain America again and Steve was walking around the Smithsonian and saw a reel of him self and Peggy and bucky and there was photos there he wished he could take with him but he couldn't because he was a wanted man and then a few day's later Steve saw the winter soldier and started fighting with him and then Natasha say's there's a window as she fights the masked widow until Steve knocked off the winter soldiers mask and Steve say's Bucky and then Natasha knocks off the widow's mask and Steve say's Peggy and then he stood there in shock and he saw them both disappear and a few hour's later Steve was fighting Bucky and Steve told Natasha one thing save Peggy and Peggy stop next to pierced and then when he was pushed through the window Peggy smiled and Natasha say's Peggy hunny I am here to take you to your daddy and Peggy say's I don't now you I am not a sad pathetic little that needs a mommy or daddy to depend on and then Natasha see's Peggy run at a window and then she jumps and tan off and then she met up with Bucky and a mother year after that Peggy was with Bucky and she and he were put into the tiny box cells and Steve say's please Peggy is a little and Bucky he is her other caregiver and then after that all hell broke lose and then a fight started and after that Peggy woke up  in restrains and Bucky looks over to her and says shhh I know it's ok doll and then once Steve know that that was the right Bucky they went over to Peggy and Bucky say's little doll can you look at dada and Peggy makes grabby hands to Steve and Bucky undoes the restrains and Steve say's Sam can I have the diaper bag and sam tossed it to Steve and sam say's I will turn around and Steve puts Peggy in a diaper and changes her clothes into a onesie and a skirt and Bucky say's ah no baby doll no thumb in the mouth and Bucky puts a pacifier in Peggy's mouth and then after all the fighting with Steve and tony and the other stuff with secretary Ross Peggy and Bucky got to go stay with Steve at the avengers tower and from then on Peggy never fell out of headspace and she loves it making so many friends.

Hay little avengers sorry I have not been able to update a lot i a busy with school and volunteering at church so I should be coming out with some more chapters soon

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