Little widow

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Natasha little age (1-3)
Tony and pepper

Nat walked Into the gym where tony was boxing with happy and said mrs stark I have some papers for you and then I need a finger print and then three days later nat was in her room she was in little space and she heard a knock at the door and nat said what want and then pepper said miss Rushman can you come with me to stark expo and then nat says otay and then pepper says ok and then nat gets dressed but she clearly forget her diaper was on and tony says miss Rush man and tony says I totally knew you are a little and nat said yea and happy said here and tony said Natasha you must hold my hand now and you stop no thumb in mouth and nat said well your not my daddy and then tony and nat met with pepper and pepper said hay tony nat and pepper saw nat sucking on a pacifier and pepper said your so cute do you have a mama and dada and nat said no and then tony and pepper said we will and then Rhodes said Tony come on you and pepper are next on stage and Tony says we'll come to stark Expo and I'm Tony and this is Pepper and this is our new addition to the family our little girl Natasha and then tony says I have some words to say you're not weak just because you're little and you can't hide what you are and just because I say you can't do things you can do them and here at Stark Expo All little's are welcome and not to be bullyed or mess with and is welcome to all classifications and then Tony walks off of stage and pepper says someone is stinky and pepper changes nat on the jet and then tony puts nat in a play pen but nat falls asleep with her thumb and iron man bear and but up in the air and pepper and tony take a picture of it and then Tony walks over and picks up nat and nat whines and says dada op mama op and pepper pulls out nats thumb and puts a pacifier in and when they were in the car nat starts crying in her sleep and yelling yelana and pepper pulls nat out of the rear facing car seat and she says baby girl wake up for mama please and nat woke up and moved her head and tucks it in pepper's neck and pepper fells nat put her hands under her top and pepper says we're almost there and then Tony says you want some skin to skin time and then tony said hay baby girl who's yelana and nat says big sissy but she my little sissy and I leb her with bad man urt her and pepper says hay hun can you bring me a bottle for her and then Tony brought back a bottle and a non spill toddler snack cup with some banana puffs and some chocolate and cheese and orange slices and then nat says tank ou dada and pepper says tony why did you give her chocolate because she is being good and then pepper held nat and gave her bottle and nat says I mss big brother and three days later clint and fury came to see nat and nat ran up to clint and said bubba I got's mama and dada and fury said stark you better take care of her and since she calls me grandpa and then nat says dada and then tony says yes grandpa had to ou secret and fury says yes tony meet agent Romanoff and then tony said it was a plan you fake being little and get close to me and then nat starts crying and fury said she is not faking being little she is a real one and then tony said what is it and then nat said I black widow and he said ok um she killed people before and fury says yes but she was Forced to by the red room and then Laura tony and pepper's nanny says um Peter is giving me trouble and then nat says otber bubba and tony says Peter I told you to be nice to auntie Laura and then peter said no want want mama and sissy and then Steve came in the room and nat said unckle Steve and nat runs away behind tony and says bad man and Bucky says oh my god she was a little and then tony said well yes baby girl it is a bad man and not pulls up her top and tony and Steve see a Bullet hole wound and she says he dids it bye bye bikinis and then after that nat and Bucky made up and nat fell asleep.

Nat walked Into the gym where tony was boxing with happy and said mrs stark I have some papers for you and then I need a finger print and then three days later nat was in her room she was in little space and she heard a knock at the door and nat s...

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