Still small Wandavision version 

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Wanda was walking through sword and she saw a person in a glass box with a shock collar and a straight jacket looking sad crying and Wanda said I feel there sadness and vision said I can walk throw and brake the glass Wanda said I feel there baby like and that they some how have a connection to them and then vision broke throw the glass and he took the shock collar off of you and Wanda took the jacket off and you put your thumb in your mouth and Hayworth said stop leave them and Wanda said no were taking them and you can't stop us and Monica says here just sign here and Monica said someone get him back in his cell and Wanda carry's you out of the building and walks to the car and Wanda places you in the back and she looks back at the file and look back at you and says vis there my baby our baby and Wanda says there developmentally delayed and there mind is regressed to newborn to 2 and then she says poor baby and vision says well we better get to the home before the boys come home from school and Wanda keeps looking back and Wanda says oh don't forget we need to pick up sparky from the groomers and then we can get pizza or something else or how about Mexican Wanda says but first we need some diaper and wipes and toys and we can online order the rest and then after Wanda said ok vis you watch the little one ok cutie and then when she came back she asked hay vis how was y/n and vision says there still asleep and then Wanda looked back and she saw sparky licking you and then when you woke up you were in a crib and you saw two boys  looking at you and they yelled mom baby our sibling is crying and Wanda came in and sparky followed her and Wanda says ok boys go and I'll get them settled out and then tommy and billy says ok mom and then Wanda picks you up and she says ok let's get you something to eat and how about we let's let you play with your big brothers and then Wanda carried you down the stairs and she walks into the kitchen and puts you in the high chair and then she says ok boys here's your dinner and then vision said well I can look at it darling but I can't eat it and then Wanda comes over to the high chair with a small baby plate of cut up food and a bottle and a sippy cup and a jar of baby food and then she opens the jar  and puts the spoon in and she puts a bib on you and she puts the spoon of baby food to your lip and you spit spit it over to vision and billy and tommy laugh at it you and tommy says nice shot vision says we'll at least you baby's did not do that and Wanda says that's because they used there ageing power so they went from baby's to five year olds but now they have there baby sibling and then Wanda says I guess chicken baby food is a no go but we banana or plums or pea or green beans and then Wanda gets sprayed with pea baby food and tommy and billy fall on the floor laughing and then they hear the door bell ring and Wanda says I'll get it and she walks throw the living room and opens the door and the avengers stand there and Peter say Wanda are you turning into the hulk and Wanda says no Pete it's just pea baby food and Wanda says come in and then avengers walk in and Wanda wipes her face on a dishrag and Wanda says would you guys like some food I made too much and then the avengers walks into the dining room and a plate of food magically appeared in front of there face and nat says who's the big baby and Wanda says we'll And Steve says Wanda and she looked at you and she saw you had a red floating mist around your food and it was floating around and Wanda slams down your file and says we'll there a bit messed up because of shield and hydra and Hayworth they all hurt them and took there childhood away and nat and pepper and Peggy say poor baby and Wanda says I'm trying to see what they like to eat so far me and Vision have been getting spit on with baby food and tommy and billy say mom,dad who are they and vision says well boy me and you mother are super hero's and we're avengers and tommy and billy says The Who the what no you are not and wanda says yea we are and tommy says billy let's go tell everyone and vision says boy we're not telling your friends anything or else and then piedro says sis who's the baby and the look a likes and Wanda drops the spoon she was feeding you with and runs over to piedro and hugs him and he says ok sis let me go and Wanda says how and Wanda says boys and baby this is your uncle piedro and billy uses his super speed around the house and piedro says we'll they have both of your powers and then piedro walks over to your high chair and he reads the file and then Steve says we have a mission and Wanda finally gets you to eat some baby food and she looks away for a minute and when she looks back she see's the baby food all over your face and Wanda says sweetheart what am I going to do to you and nat says here and she hands Wanda a wet rag and she wipes your hands and face and then Agatha walks in and she says well hi and who are you and the avengers says the avengers and Agatha says do you want me to watch the kids again and Wanda says sure let me put the baby's diaper bag together and then when she went to hand you to Agatha you cried and screamed and held onto Wanda because you could tell Agatha was trouble and wanted your powers and your mama's powers and then Agatha finally got you off of Wanda and billy and tommy say to you she funny and fun but a bit weird and then after the mission Wanda and vision came back and Wanda and piedro went to get you and your brothers and Stephen says somethings not right really someone is going to get hurt and Wong says I can feel it's a bad energy from the house where Wanda and piedro went that lady who came in earlier and then Wanda walks in and see's two plates of half eaten sandwiches and a half of a bottle and Wanda says Agatha and she says in the basement and Wanda and piedro walk down there and Agatha says Wanda Wanda Wanda piedro you didn't think you were the only magical gal in town did you and Wanda and piedro see you tied up and floating with magic well first let's see your baby's trauma and then after that you were in tears and and then she does Wanda and then piedro and then she says how are you doing it magic I can feel you and them I need if and Stephen says Agatha harness the power steeler and then after the fight Wanda says guys we got to go I also got a cabin in the woods we can go and the avengers all say there good bye's and Wanda and vision pack up the car and she says ok we have everything and everyone let's start new life's .

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