Forced Thor and carol baby Natasha and tony

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On no where Nat and tony both laid dying and the avengers sent captain marvel and then once she got there she saw Natasha and tony starving and hugging each other and then when she say's to her self there not breathing and Carol gives them both life's kiss more known as cpr and mouth to mouth resuscitation and tony and Natasha both start crying and Carol un does her suit and moves them towards her breast and they start sucking and then after that Carol carried them back to the ship and then she put diapers on both of them and put them both in sweatpants and a long sleeved avenger shirts and then Carol started feeding them again and she feels Tony and Natasha's diapers and say's well at least your hydration is going up and then she changes them and say's OK come on my baby's time for a long sleep and then when you wake up you will be home and the other avengers and the guardian's walk onto the ship and pepper and Bruce say please tell me they are very aggressive that's why there in a cage and Bruce say's it's a crib and pepper say's why are they in a crib and then Natasha tony wake up and start crying and pepper say's hay tony its me and tony babbles what sounded like mamamamamama and pepper say's what the fuck did you do to tony and Natasha and carol say's i did not do anything to them i found them like this and then Bruce and pepper say i'm sorry i can't do this Bruce and pepper say at the same time and carol say's i'll take care of both of them and then Thor say's well i can be papa Thor and the guardian's say well if you need us we will stay and then melina and alexi and yelana walk in and say is she here and yelana say's what did you do to my sister and carol say's nothing i found her and tony like this and yelana say's i'm staying here and melina say's well she may get to have the childhood she never got and she turn's to carol and say's may i hold her and carol passes Natasha over to melina and alexi and melina say hay baby girl it's me it's mama and alexi say's it's me it's Dada and Natasha start's crying and carol say's Steve,bucky can you carry the crib in as she bounces a crying screaming Natasha into the compound and she say's can you leave there crib in my room and Steve says's OK and carol sit's on the couch and undoes her suit and Natasha start's sucking and yelana walk's in and say's what the fuck are you doing she's a grown ass women and Thor say's don't curse in front of my baby's and yelana walk's out and leave's off in her car and carol say's it's ok baby shshsh no need to cry she still love's you and then carol say's Thor want to switch baby's and Thor say's OK here's tony and Thor say's papa Thor is here and he burps Natasha and Natasha start's pulling on Thor's hair and carol say's baby no we don't pull on Dada's hair and Steve and bucky say we made a surprise for you and Thor and carol carry tony and Natasha to carol's room and she say's oh my you to made a nursery in my room i love it and Steve hand's Natasha a black widow bunny and he hands tony a iron man bear and a spider man bear and bucky say's rocking chair is over here and there changing table is over there and there's toy's are over here and carol and Thor hug's Steve and bucky and carol put's Natasha and tony in there crib and carol and Thor both put on there pj's and then midnight Natasha woke up crying and carol pick's her up out of the crib and carol say's you want some milk and then carol and Natasha fell asleep and then in the morning Thor pick's up a wide awake tony and start's crying and and Carol say's I'm up Thor can you go get me some food and coffee and then after that Natasha woke up when Thor returned he say's need any help and Carol say's only to change Natasha well I'm feeding Tony and Thor say's OK and he starts baby talking to Natasha and then carol say's well we can let them play and in and i need something to eat and i think i'm going to see if tony eat's anything solid down and i don't think Nat can she is more younger then him and then Thor say's Nat sweet baby girl please let go of papa's hair and then Bruce walks in and grabs food and walks back into the lab and Steve and bucky say don't take it to heart he and pepper are just having a hard time with this and then Scott say's OK the high chair is ready and then bucky say's you little brat and Thor say's tony we don't bite our friends and then Thor say's OK tony you have to sit in the time out chair bucky put's Natasha on a activity mat and then when Steve went to feed tony he go food spit all over him and Scott fed Natasha baby food and then Steve and bucky say when this is all over i want to adopt us a kid and then after that Wanda and vision say do we have a clue to how this happen and they say nope and then Wanda say's before the mission we were going to have a girls night and watch twilight marathon since the girls book club read all of the books and now we were going to watch the movies and then Bruce comes in and say's there's a cure i found here put this on then and they should turn back to normal and then after that Natasha say's get me the hell out of this and tony say's please tell me no one had to change me and then Steve say's we all have so many pictures of you two when you were baby's.

hay guy's i just had a thought i'm back in my twilight phase again i want to start a cosplay coven for twilight oc's and main charter's if you are interested please dm me on insta stacie_malfoy_008.    

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