Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

To Alexis,

Please read through this file carefully. Each detail in this file will help you with your new class tomorrow. Have fun reading Bitch!

From Emo Queen AKA Principal Danielle Lopez

My eyes roll at the note Dany had left me. The bright red numbers on my clock were shining through the dark. Sitting at my table with a small lamp, I had got into a comfortable position and slipped my black reading glasses on. I open the thick file and come across the first student.

Robin Jones

Age: 17

Parents: deceased, lives with her aunt

Description: dark brown curly hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, 5'9 height

Reason: anti-social, been in a lot of school fights, cold, attitude, doesn't listen, misbehaved


Amelia Coin

Age: 17

Parents: unknown

Description: black hair, light blue eyes, lightly pale, 5'6

Reason: anti-social, mute, doesn't perform in any class activities, never pays attention.


I sigh as I finish reading her profile, I quickly call up Dany before I can read any further.

"Hellooooo princess, I knew you would call sooner or later" she sounded very amused, I wasn't.

"Dany what is this? Unsuccessful? These sound like science experiments" I run my hands through my hair, feeling frustrated.

"Alright Lexi calm down, I'll explain. I've assigned you to a very special class. These students aren't delinquents but they are very different students. They don't listen, they don't care if they get detention, and they don't care about anything. The reason why it says unsuccessful is because a lot of teachers have been assigned to this class many times before but they've failed to actually communicate and get along with each student. The one thing each teacher did not notice was that each student in that class is broken" I was feeling very confused on why she picked me for this class, so I said my thoughts.

"The reason why I picked you was when I found out it was you who was the new teacher, I knew you would be perfect for this class. Alex you've been through a lot of things in your life, things even I know could break a person. But your strong, your one tough cookie. I know you can help these kids, people don't understand that each of these kids are broken deep down and need help. I want you to help them, I want you to let them know that there not alone in this world, and that they have someone to lean on" she stopped talking and let me think this through.

"Please Alex, I know you can help them. You're the strongest person I know and bestest friend a person could ever have. I know you can do this" I let out a tired sigh and rubbed my eyes. I looked back to the page again, Unsuccessful.

"Alright, I'll do this. I'll try my best. Just give me some time" I can almost hear her dance in her spot.

"Thanks Lexi, you're the best. I'm going bed now, finished reading that file and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Night babe" she yawns out loud.

"Night love" I chuckle and cut the call.

"Alright let's see whose next" I mumble to myself turning the page.

Noah Ring

Age: 17

Parents: travel all the time

Description: dark red hair, dark brown eyes, tan, 6'3, jock

Reason: doesn't listen, never pays attention, fights with teachers, anti-social


Oliver Grace


Parents: divorced parents

Description: dirty blonde hair, green eyes, tan, 6'4

Reason: bully's students, anti-social, picks fights, doesn't listen, always in detention


Ivy Blake


Parents: mother, father unknown

Description: black with blue dip dyed hair, gray eyes, lightly tan, 5'8

Reason: anger issues, temper, anti-social, never listens, always in detention


Eli Rich

Age: 17

Parents: father, mother deceased

Description: orange hair, blue eyes, lightly pale, 6'1

Reason: bullied, outcast, anti-social, doesn't talk that much, never listens


Aiden Curran

Age: 18

Parents: mother, father unknown

Description: black hair, dark brown eyes, pale, 6'3

Reason: temper, gets into fights, starts fights, dis behaves, doesn't listen, anti-social.


I close the file slowly and rub my face tiredly, thinking about the students. There all anti-social, have no friends, tempers, don't talk and are all unsuccessful. There all completely different.


"What to do?" I mumble to myself. I'll just sleep on it, I think to myself. I turn my lamp off and move to my bed, the minute I hit my bed I drift off to dream land.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

Yes Miss ValentineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ