'Don't judge a book by its cover'

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You see that guy over there with all those scratches and ragged clothes? He fought for our country. You see that chubby girl over there? She has a medical condition that makes her like that. You see that girl with the pink hair over there? She has cancer. That's the only wig her parents can afford. "We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path."

-Paulo Coelho.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" I am sure everyone has heard that quote multiple times. Some people might follow that saying and read the back of a book before actually deciding if they like the plot of the book or not. Others, however; ignore the saying and pick a book based on the pictures shown on the front or back cover, unfortunately sometimes in the middle of the book they realize the book is bad and give up on the book. This cliché can apply to more than just books.

Looking at something new, the first tendency for people is to decide if they like it or hate it right away. Judging something or someone before really getting to know what it is all about, is not a good idea because it can take away from a good learning experience. When people assume something is bad and they want to avoid it, they might be missing out on a beneficial experience. Sometimes what everyone thinks is a good idea might be completely horrible. First impressions are different from judging something. A first impression is more of the opinion you have after the first encounter with whatever the new thing is, but it does not stop you from doing it again. First impressions last a lifetime, judgments can change.

High School is one of the biggest places for judgments. Some people do not care what other people think, while others care too much about what other people think, and how they will be judged. Most teenagers will judge everyone intentionally, and unintentionally in their heads, they will say or think things such as; "Is he/she really wearing that?", "oh since he/she is wearing that he/or she is weird". They make these judgments without even knowing who the person their thinking/ talking about really is. High school kids not only judge each other based on the clothing they wear, but also about the gossip they have heard about one another and by things they do.

Everyone has a story left untold, so never judge someone as if you know their entire life story because the truth is, you probably don't.

This is a story about how I, Alexis Valentine, unravel the hidden stories of a bunch of shattered students who do nothing but hide under a slate of ice and steer clear from love.

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