Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I woke up to the smell of heaven.


My mouth waters at the thought of the crispiness. I slowly get up from my bed and rub my eyes, blindly walking towards the bathroom.

"Mother Effer!" I put my fist in my mouth to stop myself from cussing as I stub my toe on the cabinet.

"Bloody hell, my toe is such a slut. Banging on everything it comes across" I scowl at my foot.

"HEY PEANUT, I SUGGEST YOU GET DOWN HERE BEFORE ALL THE BACON IS GONE!" I jump at the sound of Luke's voice and run into the bathroom. After I finish my morning routine, I throw on black ripped jeans, a blue loose tank top that says 'bae = food' and blue heels. I skip downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I smile at the scene in front of me. The radio was blasting with music, Clair was cooking bacon and the kids were all dancing and eating there cereal. I smile and lean against the wall, I haven't had a family meal in a while.

"Come on it's getting late, you should stop dancing around with your food and start eating it" Clair playfully glares at the kids while they all laugh.

"Mom you said we could put the radio on" Jim laughs from the couch.

"I said you could listen to it" Clair replies back with a chuckle.

"You know mum, i think we all should have some moments of happiness" Faith cut in, dancing I'm her seat.

"Ok then, you all can dance around spilling food everywhere because it's fine with me" Clair sings.

"Oh when she says fine with me, we know it's not fine with her" Mary walks in turning off the radio.

"Mom you know what you need, we actually all could use. A nice soothing dog, a dog for all of us, a real family dog" Faith cheered. Jake laughed out loud.

"Huh we already have a dog, you" he teases.

"Jake your sister doesn't call you names" Clair scolded Jake.

"All I wanted was an animal who's name started with the same letter as your grades on your report card, which you are getting today jakey" Ooooo she got him there. Jake sunk to his seat, while glaring at a happy Faith.

"I'm assuming it's a better grade than last semesters" Clair raised an eyebrow at Jake who looked away instantly.

"Oh I'm assuming the same too" he smiled sheepily. I let out a chuckle and walk towards the counter.

"Good morning Clair, kids" I kiss Ruby's head then Faiths and try, key word 'try' kissing jakes head. I grab his head in a headlock and give him a massive sloppy kiss on his cheek. He lets out a laugh and pulls out of my headlock.

"GOODMORNING MY LOVELIES! I hope you all have a wonderful day today because I won't " Luke's cries, jumping into the seat next to me. I pinch his cheeks and grab some toast.

"What's wrong pookey?" I mumble with food in my mouth.

"I've got such a busy day today so I'm staying overtime tonight, sorry peanut but I won't get to say goodbye later" Luke sulked into my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm going to see you every week anyway" I sip my orange juice, giving Luke a thumbs up.

"I think all babies in the world plan to be born on the same day at 2am in the morning, why do they do that?" He cries in distress.

"It's okay, don't cry. At least you have a decent job" he gives me a blank stare.

"Wai--- oh come on. You're a bloody business man who owns so many jobs but decides to be a doctor who delivers babies. I think that's a pretty decent job" I reply jumping up from my seat and taking my dishes to the sink.

"Okay that's enough, Luke take the kids to school. Kids say bye to auntie Lexi. She'll be back next week" Clair cut in. The kids grabbed their bags and walked towards me.

"Byeee auntie Lexiiiiii" Ruby jumped in my arms. I squeeze her tightly the let her go.

"Cya aunt Lexi" she side hugs me and runs out the house.

"Catcha later Aunt Alex" Jake made a run for it but I quickly grabbed him from the back and hauled him into the air. He let out a breathy laugh as I squeeze him tightly.

"Don't ever run away from me without giving me a hug okay" I playfully warn him and ruffle his hair. He gives me smile and a small 'yea' and runs out the door.

"I love your kids Clair" I smile lightly to Clair, she smiles back and rubs my shoulder.

"There my beautiful chickens but they are a load of trouble" she sighs tiredly. I hug her tightly then head towards my room.

"Your fault for doing the dirty with Luke, BYE CLAIR" I run upstairs laughing as I hear Clair scream my name.


I wake up to the sound of birds cheeping and the warmth of the sunlight. I yawn and sit-up with a big smile on my face.

HA don't we all wish that happened to us.

I wake up all tangled in my sheets with my phone blaring in the background. I sigh in frustration and lean of the bed to answer my phone but sadly I fall onto the ground.

"Xfvunikhfhkjiok" I mumble as I grab my phone and answer it.

"I'm going to CUT you if this isn't important" I growl into the phone.

"LEXI! Lexi, peanut. I, the handsome genius, have found you a job" Luke voice booms through the phone. My sleepiness fly's through the window as I perk up.

"Really, what is it?" I ask intrigued.

"Well.......umm...don't get mad, but I've already have you signed up and ready" he starts to ramble.

"Umm Luke" I try to stop him.

"I know you're not going to like it but please just listen"


"Just try to hear me ou--"


"Alright alright" he breathed out shakily.

"Your new job is a........"

I wait for my shining moment.

"High school Teacher"

Oh no he didn't.

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