Chapter 24: Stage

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Jal sort of shook."You know... Butter fingers."

"Why don't you just wear gloves?"

"But what if I miss my cue?"

"Can't the director just make you a cue sheet? Or you can write notes in a script you can get from the director."

"I don't know..."

I bit the inside of my cheek."Seriously?"

He chuckles."I make so many excuses."

"I was the same way when it came to acting. When I tried out for my first play, I complained to my family I was cold and I couldn't sing. Turns out I got the part and it was the best summer ever. You nailed stage crew, and succeeding in this park is going to be awesome! Hey, if you want me to, I'll be in the first row."

Jal smiled."Yeah. Thanks."

Suddenly, we heard a slam from a closing door. I jumped from the scare, and I looked up at Jal. His mouth hit the ground, and it looked like his soul left his body. I slowly turned around. I almost went pale. Crafty bounced along the velvet carpet in the center, before doing a kart wheel at the end.

"Hey... Crafty!"I smiled weakly."What are you doing here?"

She tilted her head to the side."I was gonna say the same thing."

"Oh, I was just talking to Jal about... Stuff!"

"Important stuff!"Jal added."Yeah...!"

Crafty shuffled her feet."I wanted for your advice on...stage fright?"

Jal perked up."You too?"

After a while of talking and questioning and long conversations, people started to trickle in for the play. A woman with curly chestnut hair called them backstage. I looked down at my jeans and then back up at the crowd, dressed semi-formally. I was the weed in a tulip garden. My feet scrambled me to the back of the large room. I leaned back on the glass of the wall, and watched the play commence.

Jal poked his head out, and I waved my arms. Someone seemed to pull him back in after he sort of slipped and fell. Slowly, the curtains rolled out, and a girl that seemed to be looking around was walking across the stage. Others frantically tried to hide on the stage.

"Uh! Emma! You forgot your flip-flops at my pool and I kind of wanted to give them back."

Nooooo. They did not just say that. Mallory would be fangirling if she were here. I thought to myself as I chuckled.

"Uh, Emma!" As the girl seemed to face the crowd, I could tell it was Crafty.

And I let out a final laugh, knowing I was also in her place ten years ago.



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