Chapter 9: Home

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A week passed. Jenny left for New Hampshire two days later. I never got a call. I never got a text. I never got a goodbye. And that was the most heartbreaking of all. It was a week of solitude and loneliness. A week of non-answered texts and calls. It was a thinking week. And I had thought long and hard.

I opened my door at 4:00 am. My heart was beating fast. I was already dressed in a swim t-shirt, jean shorts, and gold flip-flops. The door let out a small creek. I ran down the stairs and quickly scribbled a note. 'Out in New Hampshire, sorry.'

I grabbed my keys and satchel and ran to my car. My iPhone told me it was about a two or three hour drive. I sighed and rolled my eyes. It would be one.


"Now approaching your location."

"Shut up Siri,"I said under my breath as I snagged a spot in the almost deserted parking lot. There was a building that appeared to be a large dormitory or school. I already had mixed feelings about this place.

I strolled in. There was a woman at a reception desk in a modern lobby. She appeared to have just woken up. Her hair was a mess and she had no makeup on. The woman typed away at her computer.

"Um, excuse me?"I asked as I walked to the desk.

The woman didn't look up."Welcome to Happy Family Adoption Center. How may I help you?" She was monotone.

((I wonder how many people will get that reference.))

"I'd like to adopt."

The woman's face lit up. She grabbed my hand, shaking it wildly."I'm Ms. Mangle. Welcome. Please come to my office."

She pulled me along to an office that looked like the one in Despicable Me. I looked around at the walls. Thousands of photos of kids decorated the area. All of them were neutral. They seemed to stare down at me. My stomach was queasy.

"Please sit down,"Ms. Mangle said as she sat down at her desk. She motioned to a few seats in front of her."Now. Who are you looking for in particular?"

"Jenny Hamada,"I said quickly.

"Ah, Jenny. Quiet one, she is. Hasn't talked since the day she came. Or so that's what I heard. Now, how is your family. I want to know how you are and if you're a suitable family." She also handed me a questionnaire.

"How is your family?"

"I... I live with my niece and my friend."

"What's your niece and friend like?"

"My niece is eight, so take that into account. My friend is a Victoria's Secret model."

"And you're sure a woman modeling underwear and bras isn't going to rub off on her?"

"We've known Jenny for a while. She doesn't seemed fazed."

I looked down at the questionnaire. Do you do drugs? No. Have you gotten in car accidents? No. Have you gotten in a divorce? I stopped at that moment, and then checked off, No. Profession? Swimmer and stay at home mom. How old? 20.

"You're twenty?!"

I looked up."Yes. You've never read the 'Adopted by One Direction' fan fictions?"

"I guess not. Are they good?"


"Okay then." She grabbed ahold of an intercom."Jenny Hamada to the office. Jenny Hamada to the office."

I suddenly almost felt limp. Let's just hope this goes okay.

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