Chapter 6: Art

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That following morning, I slept in late and enjoyed every last second of it. Despite Emma's yells, I wouldn't get up. All the talking had drained all my energy. They were all very nice people. They sprouted a little more compassion in me.

Except Hack. I still hated him.

Of course, guilt had taken over me; I had to apologize. Most people would have just let it fog over, but it was this nagging and taunting feeling inside of me. Anyone could tell if I was recalling one of these feelings. I would close my eyes for long periods of time, trying to clear my brain.

I'm sorry, I thought, closing my eyes.

A loud honk jarred me from my trance. A car was headed straight for me. My heart stopped and I pressed on the gas. I was shaking as the car turning clipped my rear-view mirror. I looked over, shaking. That was gonna cost a chunk of my royalties.

"Watch it buddy!"I yelled, but it was useless. He was already long gone.

"That idiot,"I said.

My mom's road rage problems and slowly rubbed off on me. It was rare that I'd get that mad, and I knew that if they took it seriously they would beat me to a pulp. I gulped at the thought as I pulled into the nearest coffee shop, which wasn't a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Go small businesses!

I grabbed my purse and walked inside. I seemed to be their only customer, because all the tables were empty. There was a girl drawing on a notepad. She looked at me, and then turned to another page. The girl working was furiously tapping on her phone.

I smiled at the employee."Hey Crystal. No time, no see."

The girl froze mid-tap and slowly looked up."A-Amber?"

"The one and only."

Crystal's face lit up."Ohemgee! The normal?" She grabbed the mint flavoring and some milk.

I passed her a 5 american dollar bill, and sat down at the bar. I opened my laptop, opened Google Docs, and began to write the novel I'd been writing. It was called Columbia, and it was about a brother and sister trapped in a world of enchantment. I furiously tapped away.

"Which person right now, Crystal?"I asked, mentioning her Multiple Personality Disorder.

"Oh. Just Flutter, but I can feel Pinkie coming through with the rush of dopamine in my head."

I smiled, turning back to my computer. There was an email from my favorite manga artist that I followed on DeviantArt. It was a picture of a beautiful blonde girl talking to a girl that looked exactly like Crystal. The caption under it said,"Two girls at a coffee shop I'm at. Quick doodle. Might make into series."

I literally stared at it, and then slide the laptop over to Crystal. She stared in awe, and her gaze shifted over to the other girl in the shop. There was no reflection on her face as she continued drawing.

"It's exactly like you. Us, I mean,"Crystal whispered.

"Which is creepy. I-is she the manga artist I follow?"

"That would be so cool! Like meeting a Youtuber! Like Dan Howl!" She was screaming by then, and I could tell she was no longer Flutter. She was Pinkie.

I smiled and looked over at the girl. She used sign language to say to me, Hey. I'm Miyoko. You seem cool. And sorry for stalking.

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