Chapter 20: Silence

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I immediately jumped down to her side, hugging her as comfortingly as possible. She wiped her tears away, like putting a dam on a river. Unfortunately, the dam broke, and she continued crying. I rubbed her arm, and she curled up on her side.

"What happened?"

"E-Emma left f-for the d-dentist, a-and then J-Jenny left... She s-said not to t-tell you... But I'm scared..."

"When did Jenny leave?"

"I th-think around eight..."

I looked at the clock. It was almost ten. I picked Angel up and climbed the stairs. She jumped down and flopped into her bed. Slowly but surely, she fell asleep. I stood by the doorway for sometime, before heading back downstairs. I lied on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

And then I heard the front door lock turn, and someone step inside. I was jeered awake. Heels clicked on the floor ever so slightly, but the noise echoed across the whole house. The mysterious figure sat there bag down, emitting a large umf sound.

I could tell the person noticed me, because they stopped in their tracks. The person took off their shoes, which I knew were Emma's stilettos. But this isn't Emma. I thought before saying:

"Hello Jenny, and yes. I am very disappointed."

And then there was silence.


I stared at the ceiling, looking up at the plaster sealant. A yawn escaped my mouth, and I felt like I was having horrible jet lag. I hadn't even flown in a plane for quite some time. My phone went off next to me, but I had no interest in picking it up. My urge drove me though, and I discovered it was a text from Caleb. It was a link to a song posted on youtube. I raised an eyebrow, but plugged in my earbuds and listened.

 Caleb had a beautiful voice. I couldn't see him going into any other profession. Sadly, the hood that he wore muffled the notes. He did play a nice piano solo, which warmed my heart. When it ended, I craved for more and texted him back. NEED MOOOOAR! I texted. He sent a blushing face back to me.

 'Park again?'he texted.

'Gotta stay home. Angel freaking out, Jenny mad, and Emma sick.'

'Dang. See u l8r sk8r'

'Shut up'

 I sat up in bed. Suddenly realizing Angel was lying in bed next to me, I went dead silent. She let out a loud snore that sounded like a pig and a cow were having intercourse, but that's what everything sounds like to me. I got up, putting on bohemian shorts and a tank top. Jenny was at the bar in the kitchen, looking like she was regretting everything. I didn't speak a word; she got the message. Sometimes your actions say a thousand words.

 It just depends with movement.


Sorry, I was sick. I'll get back to updating.

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