Chapter 13: Pairs

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I flopped over in bed after a long night of sleeping. No dreams or nightmares had fared my way, so I was a bit let down. My eye covers had fallen onto the ground, and I groaned. Best start to the day ever.

My phone started to ring. I wanted to just let it play, but my urge brought me to move my delicate hand to the phone. I pressed the answer button and squeezed it against my cheek.


"Hey Ms. Woods? I know you're an advice giver, so how do you get a friend to go with you to a party?"

"I'll be over soon Riki..."

"Wait! Wait! Waitwaitwait-"

I pressed the end call icon and set my phone down. Slowly, I got out of bed. I felt horrible after staying up all night writing. The novel I wanted to write was no where near done, so I thought an extra hour or two would helped.

It didn't really. I stayed up all night on tumblr and youtube.

I hobbled over to the door, tired and unenthusiastic. The fan was spinning over my head, and I switched the light on and the fan off. My legs carried me to my closet, and I took out a yellow sundress and a jean jacket.

"Hey Mommy!"

I froze in the spot. Since when was I a mother. I slowly turned around, and there stood Angel. She let out a childish laugh before skipping downstairs. I never heard Emma and her come in that night.

"Angel, go make yourself a waffle! I'm heading out today!"I yelled down to her.

"Okay!"she yelled back.

I slipped on my clothes and casually walked down the stairs. Angel sat there watching Good Morning America. Emma sat on the love seat. She didn't say a word to me.

"I'll see you guys later."

"Fine. Whatever." Emma brushed me off.

I squinted my eyes as I turned away. Was something getting on her nerves? She definitely didn't look happy. I opened the door and bounded out to the car. It was a sleek black Porsche with a retractable roof. I never really took it to granted because it was a present from my dad, but who was I kidding?

I turned on the radio, sighing. May 16th. Gosh... School just let out about a week ago. That's crazy. I thought as I pulled into a cobblestone driveway. The cottage-like house was surrounded in trees, and there was a tree house in one of them.

Riki looked out from the window and opened the door as I stepped out of my car. She walked over, her hands in her pockets. Her head was tilted down, like she was ashamed.

"Sorry I made you come,"she apologized. Then she looked up."We're you crying?"

"No! No..."I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand."I'm fine."

"Well, there's this big party that everyone joining their freshman year is going to this Friday, and I was wondering if you could hook me up with someone. You know... So maybe I don't look like a total loner?"

"Corei,"I said out loud.

"Corei? Who's that?" She looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Corei. I met him at the party. Kind of like you. He's super friendly. I think."

Riki let out a giggle."Okay. You have his number?"

I nodded and started dialing his number. Riki had never been so cheery.


In the days following, Riki and Corei started talking. They both took a great interest in each other. Maybe it was something else though. I shook my head, laughing at myself.

"No Amber,"I said,"they couldn't."

But someone I knew could.

And they took it to the next level.

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