He looks down to me, waiting for what I have to say. Like I told him to. Only now I'm nervous so this is scaring me. I clear my throat and brave myself.

"I was wondering if you could drop me off at the school on the way. There's a soccer game and Aurelie's going." I say quietly, "I know my cut's not healed but-"

"I don't care about your cut as long as you're comfortable." He interjects, "Meet me in five."

I smile as soon as he makes his way out. I know Everest can't see me, even if Sage doesn't care about others seeing me. It's obvious that I was hurt in some way so I just have to not communicate with Ev. I'll be there though, silently. Even if he doesn't know it. At least, it'll appease some of my guilt.

I dig through my closet, looking for the only hoodie I have and wearing it over my skirt. I pull my hair down so it covers my face and meet Sage downstairs.

Secret Mission Numero Dos.


I weave through a couple people as I walk up the metal stairs of the bleachers, hood up over my head. It's crowded, seeing as though this is one of the bigger games of the season against some other town next to us.

I manage to snag a spot on one of the back bleachers alone and close my legs together, wrapping my arms around myself. It drizzles slightly and the clouds are grey above but I'm sheltered under a canopy.

I need to be on guard. Aurelie will be around here somewhere and I need to stay away from her too. I lean up slightly and look out to the field, where the game is in full swing. They're at a tie right now. Two goals to both teams.

It isn't long before I catch sight of Everest.
Jones. 19.

He's in the centre, chest heaving and hair wet from the rain. For a second, he crosses his forearms behind his head and remains in his position.

Jesus christ.

That shouldn't be that attractive, right? But he's in his soccer kit. Black fitted t-shirt. Black shorts and rain sliding down his skin and arms. His hair's all messy and sticking to his forehead but he doesn't care for it, glancing over his shoulder and speaking to one of the guys.

Abruptly, the ball's kicked over and instantly, his whole posture changes. Focused. His legs move quicker than I can really comprehend, slipping around the ball and darting down the pitch. Three players are around him immediately and the crowd crackles, as soon as they see him smile.

My fingers are digging into my palm. I didn't think this would be so freaking tense but I really want him to get that goal.

He outruns the three and dribbles around another one that comes after him. Once he has enough distance, he brings his leg back to kick and it flies. Right into the top corner of the net.

The crowd erupts and Everest's lips tug upwards. My smile is wide and big and jesus, he's talented. When he's got the ball, I've never seen his focus so narrowed. The rain comes down harder and his team crowds him, hands ruffling his hair and arms locking around his neck.

I probably should be focusing on the play. But right now, he's just pretty. It's all I can really focus on. It enraptures me and I don't know what to do with the feeling in my stomach when he smiles like that.

It's been days where we phone every night. He asks me when I'm coming back. I say soon. He says its not like I miss you or anything. And I smile whilst wrapped up in bed. I imagine him smiling too, that smile there.

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