Lisa:(coms) I'm surprised how perfect this is for this challenge.

Felicia:(coms) And Mick?

Mick:(coms) Heh...

(Zeta: Astroid cast)

Mick:(coms) My speed and defense are tenfold

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Mick:(coms) My speed and defense are tenfold. And my gear is now as tall as Yn's.

Yn:(coms) Your Gear is technically on steps, but technicalities are still won.

Yn:(coms) Happy?

Mick:(coms) Yes.

Yn:(coms) Too bad... I was going to try and make your day. But if that's not necessary...

Mick:(coms) Whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'll hear you out.

Yn:(coms) Despite Core being perfect for this game... It will be Zeta who steals the show.

Mick:(coms) Oh, I like where this is going... Let me guess... Ram everyone?

Yn:(coms) Ram everything. Straight into their platforms. Show your control of speed.

Mick:(coms) Don't worry... I won't waste this chance.

Yn:(coms) As some friendly advice, leave the Uranus team for last.

Yn:(coms) Felicia, we're on defense. Lisa, keep your distance and snipe the platforms.

Felicia:(coms) Are you sure this strategy isn't a bit too predictable?

Yn:(coms) We need not waste brain cells over these fools...

Yn:(coms) Our might is enough as long as we don't get lost in ego.

Yn:(coms) Now enough talk. Let's win.

The game was started, immediately filling space with flying lights. It looked almost like a war zone.

Zeta, like a shooting star, flew off.

Mick: Hugh!

The pressure of the speed he was traveling in was quite great, nevertheless, Mick had something to prove.

Aiming for the Saturn team's one hundred tile platform, Mick rammed straight into one of its Gears, ricocheting off it towards the next platform as the Saturn Gear he struck store through multiple tiles.

This was his technique which he repeated as he ping-ponged around all the platforms.

Mick: Let's go!

Reaching the Mars platform, Mick attempted to ram one of the Gears, only for them to move out of the way at the last second.

Mick barely managed to stop himself from flying through their platform.

Mick: That was a close one... But don't think I'm done just yet!

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