"Your loyalty and company after so many years of painful solitude are not to be taken for granted." Namjoon nodded. He was content not to be left alone while the others were out. He just had to tolerate whatever Youngjo was saying when clicking his beak. "What now?"

"Oh, he's asking what made you want to change your temper. You're stubborn as a rock and think you're perfect," Taehyung explained before tensing up. "H-His words!"

"Alright, well, I might have you roasted, Youngjo." Namjoon glared at the raven. The threat did no good with how comfortable Youngjo was on the bed. "I'm changing for myself. It has taken me a long time to get here, but after disappointing someone close to me...I know I have plenty to work on. Times have changed. I cannot stay the same forever."

"...is that person (F/n)?" Taehyung asked.

"Too obvious?" Namjoon raised a brow.

"You did propose to her." Taehyung's words got Youngjo to squawk loudly and flap his wings.

"She rejected my proposal!" Namjoon was about ready to kick the bird out of the room. At least he calmed down after that.

Youngjo has always been wildly protective over you, but Namjoon could have sworn the raven had tried to take a step back. Maybe it was only because of recent events that Youngjo was so sensitive when it came to you. The prince sighed, wishing you had turned Youngjo into a human before leaving. It would have been extremely helpful. Namjoon also knew he would have put Youngjo to work. Having the feathered little animal be lazy in his bed was testing his patience. He closed his eyes, reminding himself to be more patient. You wouldn't be happy with Namjoon if you harmed Youngjo anyway.

"Besides...I believe I should become a better man in general. (F/n) is suffering from her own problems and I should be able to offer support without an ounce of selfishness to it." Namjoon glanced at Youngjo. He didn't know how to feel about the raven leaning against him to cuddle. "It will be a while until (F/n) is ready to open her heart again. I will make sure to have no expectations."

"I see...I will do the same." Taehyung nodded to himself, holding his hands in tight fists. "(F/n) needs true friends right now more than anything."

"Exactly." Namjoon smiled. He hoped everything was going well wherever all of you were. He truly wished you were all successful in fighting the demons. He deeply wished for none of you to get injured. Not badly like him and Taehyung.

The prince sighed once more as he looked down, noticing Youngjo was beyond comfortable with resting on Namjoon. Amazing. He was about ready to move the bird until he noticed Taehyung staring at him like he was missing out. Seriously? For the first few seconds, Namjoon argued with himself but gave up. He couldn't deny Taehyung's puppy eyes no matter how embarrassing it was. He used his good hand to carefully pick up Taehyung and place him on his stomach next to Youngjo. Now they could all cuddle together.

For heaven's sake, when did the Prince of Concordia get so soft?


"Careful where you swing that thing." Jimin warned the merman. Everyone had decided to split up, but Jimin knew he couldn't leave Seokjin alone. No offense to Seokjin, but...there were no high hopes for him. He had a lot of energy and spirit! As for fighting skills? Jimin was surprised that you guys let Seokjin walk out with a heavy iron mace. The merman insisted on taking one of the old weapons at the castle rather than something Hoseok made. The iron ball at the end of the handle was covered in sharp spikes. That's why Jimin warned Seokjin to be careful. He couldn't go all crazy with it right now!

"It's nowhere near you." Seokjin stopped moving it. He looked over at the fairy who wore a serious expression. He couldn't help himself from leaning close to Jimin. "You haven't been cheerful lately. You used to be pretty crazy yourself too."

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