Although unknown to Ainz, the reason all the Servants listened to him was because Ainz could easily just blink all the opponents fighting against him out of existence if he were to be displeased, and not out of the Servants great appreciation of his position as leader. Although leadership gained from a position of strength was still a legitimate version of leadership.

"Drake," Ains looked at Francis Drake, who nodded to him showing her attention. "As far as I know your fleet's actions were directed with the goal of chasing someone... Who stole something valuable from you?"

Drake, when she heard of this, nodded in confirmation, "Yeah... One beautiful golden cup to be exact."

"A beautiful golden cup..." - Ainz blinked. "Don't tell me..."

"Ha, finding the Grail - so fast?" Nero managed to connect the dots first, "Wow, such a short Singularity!"

After that, she fell silent for a second and then frowned, "On the one hand, this means that our work will be easy... But on the other hand, it means that I will not be able to show all my beauty and power!"

"Oh, hmm..." - Ainz only nodded slowly, after which he looked at Drake, "In that case, definitely, we must catch the thief."

Drake glanced at Ainz, then smiled. "Well, you are now the admiral, so your word is law."

"Well, in that case - we're going at full speed after the thief," Ainz smiled. His smile then became very strained when he realized that Drake hadn't told him at all of where the thief is.

'But... Which way should we go now?!' Ainz was once again very glad that his nature as an Undead didn't allow him to express strong emotions.

"He subjugated the pirate fleet, captained by the most famous pirates in history - and he did it all in... An hour?" Olga-Marie looked at Da Vinci, who was sitting next to her, and they were eagerly watching what was happening in the Singularity. An opportunity they only have because Ainz allowed a connection to be created with Da Vinci's spell..

"Yup," Da Vinci picked up a croissant from a plate placed nearby and then grinned. "Definitely, he did indeed just do that."

Olga-Marie looked at the picture before her. It was...

Just plain inhuman.

"Can he instead be... just that lucky?" Olga looked up at the ceiling. "Just... How can this happen by any other way?!"

"Theoretically, of course, such a thing happening due to luck is possible," Roman replied to Olga. "Of course, with the approximate probability that any random coincidence of events is possible at all. But chief, if you think about it logically..."

"Don't talk to me about 'logic'," Olga snapped at Roman, and then looked again at one of Chaldea's many screens, which currently is displaying what Ainz and his Servants are doing - including new ones, "I know... I know that what happened can't be just coincidence... But it's just ridiculous! This is already beyond the bounds of what can be imagined by the human mind!"

"Don't forget who we're talking about here," Da Vinci looked at the screen carefully, "This is Ainz, a creature that surpasses everything that you knew and have heard before. I would not be surprised if it turned out that he already knew of everything that would happen just before he entered the Singularity."

Olga, hearing this, looked at Da Vinci, and then shook her head, - "Your explanation... It's just..."

Olga looked at the screen, "We don't even know anything about him... Almost nothing - and even what we know is simply our assumptions and what he let us know about him."

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