New plan

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"Jeez its been about a year hasn't it admit you guys missed ur favorite clown and I'm sorry for the wait, the boss man is currently working on a lizard, a wad of gum, and 4 monkeys." Tricky shook his head in disappointment. "But unlike those chumps, i can say swears to my heart's content except...well i can swear but there is somewhat of a limit. You wouldn't want little ol' me to be deleted, would you? I worked too hard to get the views, comments and up-."

"Who are you talking to? Ruby interrupted.

"Them." he said while pointing in front of himself. Ruby tilted her head and gave you a look of concern. "Ooooh, right u guys don't have the awareness trait."


"Shhh, Shhh, Shhh," he whispered patting the little rose on her head. "Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. On an unrelated note. Must i where these rags." Gesturing the cloak and hood he has on.

"Everyone believes you're dead and I think it's best we keep it that way because nobody likes you. Just stay here." 

Qrow and the group walked off leaving Tricky in the alleyway, about 5 minutes later the group returned.

"I take it from your faces that it didn't go well. All of these people in Atlas are uptight pricks."

"I will drink to that." The old lady said aloud.

Tricky raised an eyebrow."What now?"


The following event was explained to the rest of team Jnpr in which they didn't take so lightly, especially Jaune who punched the wall in rage.

"I can't believe it! Everything we did was for nothing!" 

"If Salem can't be killed d what is the point of all this?" Ren added.

A moment of silence fell upon to group this would probably be a bad time to say something but what the hell?

"I mean." Tricky pointed at the lamp. "We do have the light and it I'm no genius but Salem wants these so we just get them before she does and keep them away from here problem solved. 

Everyone turned the clown and started gaining up on him his plan was flawed

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Everyone turned the clown and started gaining up on him his plan was flawed.

Jaune started off first " We can't just keep running away from Salem.

"She is immortal she can just wait until all of us kick the bucket," Nora added.

"The artifacts also attract more Grimm so every city we go to Grimm would-

"OK, OK I GET IT MY PLAN IS STUPID jeez you guys must be really in a bad mood and i don't want anything to do with it."

"Wow tricky your 2nd best idea it must be your lucky day give yourself a pat on the back."

"Thanks." he said aloud. "wait a minute who are you?"

"I'm your subconscious u may call me Tiky."

"Hi there Tiky nice to meet you," he said drawing attention to the other group.

Yang looked at her younger sister and mouthed "What's wrong with him." Ruby shrugged.

"Hold on guys I gotta take this." He walked out the door as if nothing weird happened.


This time skip was brought to you by Mag agent V1

"Hey have you heard of raid shadow lege-"

The following Message was brought to you by the Mag agent V1

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The following Message was brought to you by the Mag agent V1

"WOAH, WOAH.Wh-what the hell was that?!" it was me but not me...." Tricky looked down at his palms and for a spilt second, he was going to question his entire way of life until he got a notification on his phone.

"Yo..........Really.........FINALLY, LET'S GO. Oh right well then it looks like things are finally getting interesting we are gonna steal an atlas ship. I would love to see the look on ironwood's face when he figures out I'm alive. I mean it's gonna happen eventually. 

"but this Arthur is pretty lazy and couldn't give you the full chapter so please accept this 

"but this Arthur is pretty lazy and couldn't give you the full chapter so please accept this 

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