22. Sisters

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'You look radiant your grace.'

'Radiant... right radiant..' Cersei said looking Margaery over.

'It's the word that came to mind.' Margaery told her. 'We are to be sister shouldn't we be friends?' she added grabbing onto Cersei's arm.

'Your musical girl aren't you imagine you have a lovely voice.'

'A better dancer than a singer I'm afraid.' Margaery said

'But you know the rains of Castamere?'

'Of course they play it so often here at court.' Margaery agreed. It was a lovely banquet, a lovely feast, a lovely party, perfect time to try and get a read on Cersei and how difficult she would make Margaery's life at the capitol.

'So you know the story of house reyne of Castamere?'

'Not as well as you I'm sure.' Margaery said sweetly.

'House rayne was a powerful family very wealthy second wealthiest and Westeros now the Tyrells the second wealthiest family Westeros now of course ambitious climbers don't stop on the second highest rung, only you could get that final steps further than all the rest you would be alone with nothing but blue sky above you.' Cersei told her as they walked the room. 'So Lord Rayne built a castle as grand as Casterly rock he gave his wife diamonds larger than any woman ever wore and finally one day he rebelled against my father do you know where House rayne is now?'

'Gone.' Margaery said simply.

'Gone,' she agreed 'a gentle word I would say slaughtered. Every man woman and child put to the sword. I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates at Casterly rock my father let them rot up there all summer it was a long summer and now the raynes weep the halls and not a soul to hear them.' Cersei took Margaery's hand in hers 'if you ever call me sister again I will strangle you in your sleep.' she threatened marching off.

Tywin couldn't help but watch Thea walk away, her hips swaying beneath the silky blue material of her dress. Later tonight, he would peel it off her and God willing, literally bite her ass cheek. No sooner than she reaches Margaery and cersei takes a seat next to Tywin, pulling his attention away.

"You and your new... sister, mother, daughter?' Taylor began thinking. 'oh my god I have to talk to grandmother, so you- once everyone is married- will be daughter in law through me, sister in law through loras and mother in law through Joffrey!" Taylor exclaimed. 'dear god life is confusing.'

'She basically said if I called her sister she would strangle me in my sleep.' Margaery told her with a forced smile as Taylor spared a glance back at Cersei.

'I will need to talk to my daughter about that.' Taylor mused.

'she wants me dead already.' Margaery remarked that fake smile still plastered on her face.

'then we get rid of cersei. Once loras and her-'

'I need her gone sooner, I need her gone now.' Margaery told her.

'I can talk to tywin.' Taylor suggested. 'I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he seems not fond of any of his children.'

'You are going to give him perfect little flowers.' Margaery told her. 'and he will forget all about Cersei.' Margaery remarked hopefully.

'that is the goal.' Taylor agreed. 'I want us to have kids at the same time so they can be the very best of friends just as us.' Taylor told her.

"That sounds great, I'm sure Joffrey will be easy enough.'

'Better than Renly.' Taylor sniggered.

'Better than renly in that sense.' Margaery remarked.

'Yeah...' she said slowly as her eyes scanned the room, once again she saw tywin looking at her.

'Perhaps we kill this union as well.' Cersei suggested swirling her wine in her glass.

"What?" Tywin questioned he wasn't paying attention, he couldn't when taylor was in the same room as him. He could not focus. He could not focus on anything but her, her smile, her eyes, her hips.

'Father!' Cersei snapped and tywin pulled his gaze away from Taylor.

'What?" Tywin repeated.

'Focus on me for once, I'm trying to tell you something important.' Cersei told him and Tywin rolled his eyes as he brought his glass to his lips. 'Father!'

'Ending unions is not happening.' Tywin told her confidently.

'Margaery is going to-'

'Be Queen. Yes.' Tywin agreed. 'you will go to high garden there is no discussion.' Tywin told her firmly as he walked off.


Taylor wasted no time grabbing Tywin by the hand, tugging him back toward their room. Taylor was feisty tonight. She begins tugging off her clothes, but he reached out to slow her pace. Taking the reins, Tywin begin where she left off, only more slowly.

"Close your eyes," he purred in her ear pulling at the string of her dress. He leaned down to kiss her eyelids, the bridge of her nose, her chin. Reaching into her hair, he pulled the pins holding it back into place, letting it all fall down around her. He hooked his index finger into her panties next, pulling them down slowly until they fall freely to the floor. "Turn around," he instructed his breath hot on her neck. She always does what he instructed. Once turned, he push all her hair over her shoulder on one side.

His lips find her spine at the base of her neck, trailing kissing all the way down between her shoulder blades, then lower. Using one hand to unbutton his pants, the other runs down her side, cupping her ass. The trail of kisses continues back up over her collarbone and up her neck. His hand leaves her long enough to pull his shirt off and step out of his pants. Once they were both naked, he pushed her back toward the bed, lying her down. Standing over her like this, he couldn't help but memorize the lines of her body, the curves of her tits, belly dip, and ribs. She's beautiful, flawless.

Her milky skin blushes under his gaze.

"Can we do something different tonight?" he whispered.

"What did you have in mind?" she asked. But instead of answering, he simply lowered himself down over her slowly, taking her by the mouth. He kissed her gently, coaxing her lips open with his tongue. Her fingers grip his back lightly, gliding up into his hair. There's something unnerving about her, the way she touched him. Pulling back from the kiss for a moment, he looked into her eyes. There's nothing there but contentment, serotonin, and trust.

"I love you," Tywin whispered.

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