Magic Explanation

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There are eight types of magic:
-Earth (brown)
-Air (transparent)
-Fire (red)
-Water (blue)
-Natural (green)
-Darkness (black)
-Light (white)
-Time (Gray)

They use magic through spells. Everyone can use spells like teleportation, telekinesis, cloning, and more. But if you want to use spells like healing, you need to have water, natural or light magic, or you can not use any fire magic if you don't have fire magic. Same for others.

Air, water, and light are better for defense, while earth, fire, and dark are better for attacking. Natural, it is neutral. Time is not for attack or defense.

The most common magic is earth, and the rarest is Time. Only 0,0001% of the population gets it.

But that doesn't mean that if you have time magic, you will be stronger than those who have earth magic. It all depends on stamina and how much magic energy you possess.

Magic/Death oath: It's a promise you make to someone, and if you break the oath, you will die. Oath will only disappear when the person you make the oath dies or if she ends it.

There are ten ranks of magic energy:

Rank 1
-You don't have enough magic energy to use magic at all

Rank 2
-You have enough magical energy to use simple spells
-must tell spell out loud

Rank 3
-You have enough magical energy to use simple spells and at least one moderately complex spells
-must tell spell out loud

Rank 4
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells and at least 3-4 middle complicated spell
-must tell spell out loud

Rank 5
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and some that are related to your magic
-must tell spell out loud

Rank 6
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and spells that are related to your magic
-you don't need to say spell it out loud but in your minds

Rank 7
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and spells that are related to your magic
-getting another type of magic
-you don't need to say spell it out loud but in your minds

Rank 8
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and spells that are related to your magic
-getting another type of magic
-using at least one spell of ancient* magic
-can use magic without a spell

Rank 9
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and spells that are related to your magic
-getting another type of magic
-using spells of ancient magic
-can use magic without a spell

Rank 10
-You have enough magic energy to use simple spells, moderately complex spells, and spells that are related to your magic
-getting another type of magic
-using spells of ancient magic
-can steals other magic or even magic energy
-can use magic without a spell

*Ancient magic is magic that uses mixing different types of magic and is extremely dangerous. If something goes somewhere wrong, you could lose all your magic. That's why the only one who is allowed to use it are people who have a level higher than 7, and they must take a lot of lessons

The rarest levels are 10 and 1. The most common is level 6.

You know what level you are and what magic you have when you turn 4. You have a special ceremony on your fourth birthday where you touch two different crystal balls. One is for level, and one is for magic. When you touch the one for the rank, it will show a number, and when you touch the one for the magic, the ball will change color.

Of course, there are some exceptions. Some people don't have magic, to begin with, but they are excessively talented at creating magical tools and new spells. They are necessary because magic tools can have incredible magical energy. And if you don't have a suitable type of magic, for example, if you have fire magic, magic tools can help you cast healing spells or heal you. Such people are small in number, and therefore they are always respected. Their magic level is 0.

In their world, when they turn 6, they get fairy wings and a mermaid tail. That happens because humans, fairies, and mermaids built this kingdom. Before fairies and mermaids disappeared from the face of the world, they left a small gift to the people they loved with all their hearts. They left behind a blessing. A blessing that would give them mermaid wings and tails when they turned 6.

There are nine types of wings:
-Earth wings
-Air wings
-Fire wings
-Water wings
-Natural wings
-Dark wings
-Time wings
-Light wings
-Angel wings

You'll get wings depending on what magic you have. But the angel wings are the exception. You can only get them if you have all magic and if you're powerful enough to control them. Not much is known about these wings as they only appeared once and never again. Even Empress Inko von Midoriya couldn't get them, so the angel wings are now known only as a legend and nothing more.

About the mermaid tail, they give the ability to breathe under the water, and you can use magic better. There isn't really any other specialty.

When a woman is in her sixth month of pregnancy, she can not use magic since it could danger the baby's life or both lives. The reason for this is unknown and will never be known, either.

I hope this helps if you have any questions on the matter, and I will try my best to clarify.

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